Chapter 5

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Oh, hey! You wandering about my friend?

Yeah, but the girl that saved me didn't seem like the violent type..

No! You were stabbed, so the girl you met is not the sweet type..

Can you send me her address?

I can't give you her house address, but I'll give you the school address, picture, and phone number..
make sure to loosen up and be chill, or she might start suspecting something is up

*Sends school's address and phone number
You can't tell her we know each other.. she'll start asking questions and dig up some dirty secrets or something to hold against you or anyone else..

Thanks! I'll pay her a visit in a couple days..

End of messages

*Jungkook thinking aloud

"As far as I know, she looks nothing like the girl that saved me. I'm confused. I must've lost too much blood and it was dark." Jungkook agreed with this thought in mind and forgot about it.

Two days later

"Minji, how do I do this?" Y/n asked.

"You put this where if fits--" Minji didn't finish her sentence. Someone new had walked into the room.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook appeared.

"Yes. How may I help you?" the professor asked.

Y/n took a closer look, because she had thought he looked familiar. When she had realized who he was, she looked at Minji and asked, "Isn't he that bo--?"

"Minji, you're excused for now," the professor said while looking at her.

"Ooooohhhh!!" The whole class exclaimed.

"Minji?" Y/n gave her friend a confused and questioning look.

"I'll be back," Minji said while staring at Jungkook. She doesn't know the boy. Why would he be asking for her? How does he know her? She played it off cool though.

"Alright everyone, back to your lesson," the professor commanded.

Y/n could not help, but watch as the two talked. She had an odd feeling and not only that. Y/n thought she knew him from somewhere, other than the picture shown to her and Tae by Minji. Maybe he is Minji's boyfriend.

                     Emergency Bell!

"Everyone! Get inside, now!" The professor yelled.

"Sorry, but we cannot finish our conversation right now. Y/n! Get inside," Minji said.

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked worriedly.

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