Chapter 25

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"I can't believe it," Jin said.

"I mean they were in that warehouse," Namjoon said.

"What are you guys talking about?" You tried getting into the conversation.

"Have you seen this guy?" Yoongi asked. He pulled out a picture and showed it to you.

"Oh for fucks sake! Of all pictures, why that one?!" Jimin looked away.

"Why, you jealous?" Yoongi asked amused by Jimin's reaction.

"Oh stop it!" Jin yelled.

"So, Y/n. Have you seen him?" Yoongi asked again.

"What do you mean if I've seen him? He's my chief. The guy that just called. Why is he shirtle-- he has tattoos?!" You exclaimed.

"Just what I thought," Jin spoke.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"For fuck--" Jhope yelled.

Your phone rang once again, cutting Jhope off. You answered and put it on speaker for the boys to hear.

"You need to pick up some detail," the chief said.

"What do you mean chief?" You asked as you and the boys looked confused.

"Details from the ward massacre. I'll give you that case."


Jin wrote on a paper then showed you.


"What? No!" You yelled angrily.

"Excuse me?" The chief said.

"No, sir. I mean, yes! I'll go to your office tomorrow." The boys were expecting you to resign as well but you had ended the call.

"What did you just do?!" Jin shouted.

"You're in danger! And you sti--" Jhope shouted as well but was cut off by you.

"This is my dream job. I didn't get just to lose it without reason. I don't even know why you guys know him either," you spoke sincerely.

Yoongi showed you another picture.

"You still not know him?" Yoongi asked.

"Is that Minji?" You observed carefully.

"You're right. That's your so-called best friend," Jimin spoke.

"But--," you were cut off this time.

"She is apart of one of the gangs that want us dead. All because we make more money than them," Jin told you.

"Despite them being the most famous gang in South Korea, we make more money than them," said RM.

"So she is the one that called him boss," you thought aloud. The boys were doing something. "Wait! Guys. I think I seen Minji before. She had marks on her body."

"Did they look like burns?" Jhope asked you.


"Those are fake," Yoongi said. "It's called prosthetic."

"So, you saw her?" RM said.

"Yes. I ran into her in an elevator at the office."

"And?" Jin asked hoping for more.

"I think she was the once conversing with my chief."

"So, in conclusion, they are all still very much alive and moving," Jin said.

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