Chapter 13

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You all ended up in the principal's office.

"What in heaven's sake were you guys fighting about?" The principal asked.

"Because of her," Minji pointed at you.

You don't know what happened to Minji but she looks as if she hates you more than anything.

"No, sir. It's because of the transfer kid. He punched me first," the boy said.

"Tell me! Where are your punch marks?!" Minji yelled. She grabbed Jungkook's face. "Sir, he punched Jungkook first. Jungkook didn't even fight back."

"Is this true Ms. Y/ln?"  The principal looked at you.

"Answer!" Minji shouted, not giving you time to reply.

"Y-yes," you wanted to cry.

The principal released you, Jungkook, and Minji. He kept your classmate behind though.

"Such a bitch," Minji whispered. You still heard her.

"What did you just say?"

"I said 'you're such a bitch. Trying to seduce other men. You're a hoe."

"Look! I don't know what the fuck I did to you or why I deserve your hatred, but we're supposed to be friends. What happened to you?" You started crying.

Jungkook is still there and awkwardly said, "I'm gonna go."

"No you stay!" Minji yelled again. "You should stay away from this so-called innocent girl."

"I don't think anything is wrong with her," Jungkook looked at you.

"She is going to take you away from me! Don't you understand that?"

"I am no one's property. I am still looking for someone."

Minji started to cry but Jungkook didn't care.

"You're first two buttons are open," Jungkook said as he pointed at them. You covered yourself quickly.

Minji ran to her car, got in, and drove off. You felt like part of your body collapsed. In some odd way, you felt like you've been through something like this before.

You made it home and found Minji packing her stuff.

"Can you please tell me why you're moving out, because I don't know what's going on," Taehyung said.

Minji looks at you, "Ask that bitch instead."

Taehyung walked towards you and asked, "What did you do?"

"Wow! I'm the antagonist," you answered him sarcastically.

"Then just give me a brief discussion about why she is leaving?"

"Because she doesn't want to be friends with me either. I am sure you don't want to either. So stop packing Minji! I'll be the one leaving. Sorry for being a bother to your existence."

She stopped packing and you grabbed some of your things.

"Nobody is fucking leaving this fucking house!" You and Minji were startled by Taehyung's voice. "I don't know what's going on. What happened to you guys?! It's been one day and you guys are going crazy! I don't know what's wrong with you, Minji, or you. But why's our friendship being destroyed?"

"Because of you!" Minji screamed. "Because you pay more attention to her. Remember that time I asked you to pick me up? You told me you were busy, but I saw you with her." By that time, Minji was in tears.

"When you were drunk, I kissed you, but you said Her Name. I also need your attention. I am desperate for your attention because I thought you were my home. But She was your home. I need you to worry about me too. Not just Y/n!" Minji freaked out.

"Do you hate me this much?" You asked.

"Yes, because you're taking all the attention from me. That is all you ever do!"

Taehyung spoke up, "Do you want to know why I care for her that much? It's because she got into some huge trouble back then. I knew her before you."

"Something happened to me?" You asked curiously.

"Still. There is nothing you can do. I am leaving," Minji stormed out. You waited for Tae to answer you but he followed Minji.

"What happened to me?" You whispered to yourself, not moving an inch.

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