Chapter 7

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"Jungkook-ah, slow down. We're going too fast," said the girl.

"It's fine. We're on the highway, and it's been a while since we last went at this speed," Jungkook said courageously.

"Please, slow down. You're making me nervous," the girl begged.

"Calm down. Look, no one is coming our way," Jungkook still refused.

"Still, you can slow down a bit. We're going too fast," the girl said a bit more anxious.

"That's boring! I'm telling you, we are going to be fi--," Jungkook lost control.


"Jung-- Jungkook... it, it , it hurts," the girl said before she blacked out.

One of the two people from the crash had lost their memory

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One of the two people from the crash had lost their memory.

*Start of Jungkook's bannment


Jk, do you have plans for today?

Nothing, why?

Jin enrolled you into xxxxxx College School


Yeah.. study hard boy
Your classes start at 10 am
Good luck!

End of messages


"I can't believe this," Jungkook mumbles to himself while shaking his head.



"Good morn--," the professor greeted half way.

*Jungkook knocks on door

"You're la--," the professor spoke again.

"One minute early. I checked in at 9:50. I couldn't find this class. I'm not late," Jungkook said.

"Get to your seat. I assume you're a transfer student," the professor said.

"What do you think?" Jungkook said annoyed.

Minji giggled.

"Can we start already?" Y/n asked.

"She's fine. She got traumatized," Minji whispered to Jungkook. "Should I call you 'oppa'?"

"No, call me JK," Jungkook replied.

First class is over and you, Minji, and Jungkook are still together.

"You taking a break?" Minji asked.

"No, I'll pass. I'm sleepy," answered Y/n.

"What about you JK?" Minji asked, looking at him.

"I don't eat other stuff when it is not yet lunch," Jungkook said.

"Oookaay. Well, I'll be with Kira," Minji left.

You were left in the room with Jungkook.

"You good now?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, thanks to you," you replied with a tired smile.

"Do I--," you both said at the same time. You both felt awkward.

"Ladies first," Jungkook broke the silence.

"Do I know you?" You asked quietly. You looked at Jungkook again as his body stiffened.

"Do you know me?" Jungkook answered with a question.

"No, I don't," you shook your head. He looked disappointed. Why? "Am I supposed to know who you are?"

"No, you just look and sound like someone I know," he said looking down.

"Oh, wow! Okay then." You were really awkward when it came to talking with guys.

Minji entered the room a little later. "Hey! Is she sleeping again? What did you do last night?" Minji asked curiously.

"My head keeps nagging me and it hurts like hell. You know them people who have amnesia or something?" You asked her.

Jungkook silently listened to what you were saying.

"And? What?" Minji asked.

"It feels like a memory bugging me out, but I can't remember anything," you said frustrated.

"You're probably stressed," Minji said.

"Yeah, I probably am. But, Taehyung told me something," you said.

"You okay, JK?" Minji looked at Jungkook.

"Yeah. A little tired I guess," he responded.

"So, what did Taehyung tell you?" Minji asked, now looking at you.

"He said he'll marry me," you and Minji laughed at the same time.

"But, in a serious term, he told me that I was saying some phrases or something about some guy," you said while remembering what else Tae had told you. "And I was saying thank you to him. I don't understand any of it, at all."

"You need a vacation," Minji suggested.

"Do I?" You asked.

Minji looked at you with excitement. "Shall we?!" She exclaimed. "Wanna join us JK? Our guy friend will be there as well. His name is Kim Taehyung."

"Uh-- I'll think about it," he hesitated for a bit.

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