Chapter 31

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"Jun- Jungkook. I really don't know what to say. I'm so so sorry."

Jungkook pulled you into a hug.

"I still love you. Fuck! I can't imagine coming back from the dead and not loving you. I want you to be mine again. I might sound really selfish but--" Jungkook was unable to finish his confession.

Siwon walked in the house.

"I bought you foo-- what's going on?!" Siwon asked angrily.

You pulled out of the hug.

"Siwon, I'm so--" you couldn't finish what you were about to say.

"I cancel our date so you find yourself a one night stand?"

"Yah!" Jungkook yelled.

"Hey! You two st--" once again, you were cut off.

"Yah?" Siwon questioned.

"You heard me right whatever your useless name is," said Jungkook.

"You don't know me well enough."

"I don't? Thank God I don't."

"You're really crossing the line here."

"Me? Crossing the line? You fucking told her how she is!"

"What? A slut? Like the others."

"Shut your mouth or else--"

"Or else what Jungkook? You're going to call your brothers? Oh, I'm so scared!" Siwon said sarcastically.

"Just stop it you--" you couldn't stop them.

"I might," answered Jungkook.

"What a pussy!"

"Or I can take you down myself."

Siwon scoffed. "If I were you, I'd run awa--"

Jungkook punched Siwon in the face. Siwon fought back.

"You two! Jus--"

"Don't ever look down on her again! You cancelled a date for another woman and now you want to talk down on her?! Wah!"

"Shut the fuck up! I owned her first," Siwon said with a smirk.

You run toward the gun drawer and grab two guns. You shot it at the ground and the two guys stopped fighting. You pointed it at them.

"You two! Why are you guys so immature?! Stand up or I'll shoot you both. Trust me! I can do that without hesitation!" You shouted.

They did as you commanded and fixed themselves.

"You two-- I need a break from the both of you. You need to leave now," you told them.

"Y/n,--" Siwon said as he watched you cry.

"Leave! Both of you!" You said still pointing the gun at the boys.

"I'm sorry, Y/n," Jungkook said.

You followed them out the door and waited outside till they were out of your sight. You then ran back inside and broke down.



You woke up early and got ready.

"I should be fine, right?" You asked yourself.

Namjoon and the six other boys were together. Namjoon found a picture of you at the airport.

"What is this? Jungkook, will you kindly explain?" Namjoon asked Jungkook with irritation.

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