Chapter 10

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"Put her in bed," Y/n commanded.

"Can you open the door. I'm--" You open the door then turned around to take a seat. You waited for Taehyung to come back and talk.

Taehyung tried walking by you, but you stopped him. "Where are you going? We need to have a talk."

"My head is aching. Cam you spare me this once?"

"No! If that is so, then eat the porridge you bought."

Taehyung sighed before taking a seat beside you. He turned his body so that he was facing you.

"What is then?"

"Where did you go?"

"I told you. Minji call--"

"Don't lie to me. I was there before you and Minji told me that she didn't call nor text you. Now tell me, where did you go?" Taehyung dozed off. "Taehyung!"

"It's because," he paused. You waited for his answer patiently. "My manager called for me to pick out outfits for my future modelling. Are we done here?"

Taehyung got up and went to his room. You didn't stop him. His answer didn't satisfy you. You felt like that wasn't the response you wanted to hear. Your head ached again, so you decided to sleep.

[Y/n's dream]

"Dirve slowly," you begged.

"We're on a freeway. We're fine."

"Jun-- ju--"

Dream ends.

"Who's name was I about to say?"

8:30 am

"Ugh! Why did I wake up so early?" You complained. "It's Saturday!"

You had dreamt something again.

"The dream-- it felt so real. I was helping someone. Freak! Why can't I remember all of it? Why did it feel real?!"

You jumped in shock when Mnji violently opened your door screaming.

"Why? It's too early in the morn--"

"What is this?! Is this you and Jungkook?"

Minji came over to you and showed you a picture of you with Jungkook. How could that be?

"Oh my goodness! Is that me?! When was this take?"

"It was sent to my group chat for physics. Is that you? Oh my god!" Minji freaked out.

"I didn't even know him before. When did he become part of my life? Wait! Who Is Jungkook?"

"But, in the sidenote, you guys look cute together. Like, for real."

"No. I need to know when this was taken and how he became part of my life."

Your head started hurting more while talking with Minji. You heard a voice that sounded like it was calling out for you. It gave you chills. The voice told you to help them because they were stabbed.

"Did you hear that?"

"What? I only hear Tae screaming his lungs out."

Your head aches more than before.

"My head-- it hurts," you placed your hand on your head.

"You probably woke up too early. We got back home late last night."

"Oh, when you got drunk?"

"What? No. We went to Taeyhyung modelling agency party last night. No liquor allowed."

"Wha-- what? But I came to pick you up last night."

"Are you dreaming?"

You suddenly woke up, gasping.

"No!" You yelled. "It can't be. I-- what is happening to me? It is real."

Your head burned with pain now. You suddenly recalled everything.

"I saved Jungkook. We were in a car crash." Tears flowed down your face faster and faster. "Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. You were mine before?"

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