Chapter 22

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You are in the office, but it is really late.

"How am I supposed to investig--" you hid as soon as you heard your chief come in with a girl. You overheard them.

"Yes, I already did," said chief.

"You sure?" The girl asked.

You took a sneak peek and you saw the girl from the elevator.

"I am the chief here. They or she will do nothing," said chief.

"What if she found hi--"

Your phone rang and you quickly turned it off. You crawl to the next stall you see.

"Is someone here?! You'll get fired!" The chief yelled.

"I'll get going. This isn't working," the girl said.

"But, what about Timothy?" Chief asked.

"He is doing better on his own these days," the girl answered.

"What is he doing these days? He hasn't reported to me," chief wondered.

"He's been travelling and he's also been addicted to taking--"

You couldn't hear the rest because the girl had whispered it to the chief.

"Good for him. And, the threats? Are they on?"

"We're starting."

"Do it fast. We need to take them up again and kill them ourselves," said chief.

"Yes boss."

You whispered to yourself, "boss?"

Since you know the secret exit to the building, you gathered your things and crawled away silently. After getting out of there, you continued talking to yourself.

"I feel like I know the girl." You brushed it off.

You didn't bring your car so you began walking home. You suddenly thought of Tae and called him.

"The number you are trying to reach is currently busy. After the beep, you are directed to the voicemail."


Taehyung's voice, "Hello! I'm busy, aren't I? Kekeke but please do leave your message."

"Yah! Taehyung! You haven't updated me since you left. I guess you are really enjoying yourself there. Aish! Call me back."

You ended the call.

"Um. Excuse me?" A man asked. You looked back at him. He wore a mask and hoodie so you couldn't see his whole face.

"Uh, yes?"

"This fell from your bag." He handed you a note.

"From my bag?" You couldn't get an answer because your bus arrived. Instead, you thanked him and bowed. You seated yourself on the bus and read the note. "How could someone put this in my bag?"

You really felt like finding the person who has been leaving you these notes.

You got off the bus near your house. Before going home, you stopped at a mini market. After buying soju and ramen, you started walking back home. As you walked, you heard a shutter sound, so you recorded everything in secret.

When you finally reach your house, you open the gate and a note fell off.

You heard heavy footsteps and turned around.

"Who's there?!" You shouted.

No one answered so you ran inside and locked the door. You turned the lights on and you see your house is trashed and vandalised.

You were about to call the police when you suddenly got a call from an unknown number.

"Hello Y/n. Did you enjoy my surprise?"

"Who is this?!"

"You don't need to know me. Not yet. There is someone who wants to talk to you."

Another voice from the other line, "Y/n!!!"

"Ta-- ta-- Taehyung."

"He- he is they- are - ali,"

Taehyung was trying to tell you something but you heard a thud and couldn't hear him anymore.

"Sorry about that. Taehyung wants to reveal the surprise so soon."

"Tell me who you are!"

"That would have been a bad surprise. I heard Namjoon survived. What a shame."

"What do you want from me?" Your voice became shaky.

"Oh, no honey. I don't really need you. I want the Dark Monarchy gang."


"You heard me right. You need to tell them to go back to being a gang again."

"Why would I do th--"

"You want Taehyung alive, right?"


"Then form the gang again. You know I am always around. I mean, I am not the one, but someone you know is there."

"What are you saying?"

"Form Dark Monarchy again. I'll give you two weeks and if you succeed, Taehyung lives. If you fail, I'll send you his head."

"Don't tell them I have Taehyung, or else."

"Or el--"

Phone call ended.

Knowing Taehyung is in danger, you fell to your knees.

"Dark Monarchy? Again?!"

Gang (btsxreader)Where stories live. Discover now