Chapter 30

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You are waiting for Jin to come pick you up.

"Yah! Stand up! You're breaking my back!" You yelled.

"Why are you singing Y/n? It's going to rain," Kristi said.

"Where is Seokjin? Ah!" Vea exclaimed.

After 30 minutes, you see a car pull up. You knew it was Jin's car.

"Yah! Kim Seokjin! Why are you so la--" you see Jungkook sitting in the passenger seat.

"You let Vea drink?" Asked Jin.

"She wanted to," you replied.

"Why?!" He ran over.

"Because she was trying to forget you," you retorted.

Jungkook and Jin put the girls in the car.

"I'll be back. You guys stay here," Jin said and immediately took off.

"What?!" You yelled.

"Yah! Jin!" Jungkook yelled too.

Jin drove away and you can already feel the pressure.

"So uh--" Jungkook looked at you he removed his jacket. "Here, wear thi--"

"No, it's fine. I'm not that cold."

"Can't you just accept it. Your outfit is short too. You must be cold."

He wrapped his jacket around you and it was silent.

"Why didn't you go to the party?" Jungkook asked.

You didn't answer.

"You had your own party? I thought you were with your boyfriend."

"Siwon is no-- I just don't like crowded places."

"So, you and Siwon frequently go out at night?" Jungkook asked with his deep voice.

You looked at him and started to feel emotional.

"You guys look cute together," Jungkook compliments.

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"You and that guy."

"Oh-- uh. Same with you and that girl."

Jungkook looked at the sky.

"It's been a while since we talked like this," Jungkook said in a whisper bit loud enough for you to hear.

"Yeah. Years and years elapsed."

Jungkook looked at you and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes. What makes you think that I'm not."

"Well, when we were in high school, you told me when you want to drink, you feel sad."

You looked at him amazed. You couldn't believe he still remembers.

"I'll drink heavy on one occasion, and that's when I am sad'."

You looked at him once more with teary eyes.

"I was left out again," you laugh.

Jungkook hands you his handkerchief.

"Talk. I'll listen," Jungkook said sincerely.

"Well, Siwon postponed our date. I mean, to me, it was a date. I guess, to him, it wasn't."

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know. I just scared. I'm scared because if I give my everything to someone who doesn't have a place for me in his heart, what'll happen? You know? It's hard to fall when you know that no one will catch you."

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