"Hey jewwwwwwww"

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(Kyles point of view)

I woke up and got showered then put my clothes on and left,it was snowing and I saw Stan and Kenny walking down the sidewalk and quickly joined them,they greeted me and we started talking about school stuff!then stan brought up..Wendy 😑...
"She came back to me guys we are together again!""you texted us spamming us all night about that",Kenny said,and after sixth grade Kenny stopped wearing his jacket...probably because he got pretty tall out of no where..he couldn't fit in it anymore...I'm surprised that cartmen hasn't made fun of me for being so short,I feel like a high schooler in a sixth graders body!
"Kyle?Kyyyyyyyyleeeee!?ky?"I saw stan's hand in my face.i must've zoned out.i looked at stan,"hey you okay?"stan asked me,"yes,just...tired",I haven't slept at all because I'd been studying for a test in math class...I hate math....

(Stan's point of view)

I usually get worried about Kyle during the winter because he gets really weak or sick or dizzy during that time of the year so I usually just get anxious for him! Especially on top of that he rarely SLEEPS!....Kyle looked pretty tired but he would usually not sleep well, before a test,or because of his father he rarely talked about,but still I hated when this happened because he wouldn't be his normal self,he'd be paranoid,having anxiety attacks,and more like crying fits but we both helped each other cry things out when we needed it!
As I looked to my right past Kyle I saw cartmen (aka Eric) in his car flipping us off and saying "hey Jewww!" "Heyyyy stan did that slut break up with you again!?"I looked at Kyle who looked furious but he didn't yell or say anything...well that's really unlike him,he's probably just really really tired....I hate cartmen....
In the distance I could finally see our highschool as we walked a bit faster to get in before we would be late.

I hope somebody likes this,I mean I hate my story telling but I'm really board with life and wanna spread my story telling crap so eh,and thank u to the people who reading these side notes and my story!😁thank u and hope I wasn't sooo annoying😓!its night for me so night or morning or go get lunch heh...eh😅

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