The Effects...

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(Stan's POV)
I get into class and look around.
Everyone's looking at me...
I was so stupid...
He told me she was no good...
Now bc of me he got hurt..
/-/-/-/20 min later/-/-/-
For the past twenty minutes people have been throwing notes at me while the teacher wasn't looking telling me to kill myself...
Including Kenny...
I look at Kenny from across the room.
Only a face of anger stares back at me...
I look at Kyle...
He looks how his mom described him as "a broken doll"
I feel another note hit my head.
The teacher took the note into his hands
He'd mutter,"kill ursel-DETENTION CRAIG!"
All Craig did was walk out of the class holding his middle finger in the air proudly...
Kyle looked my way..
I looked at him..
I'm the worst fucking friend in the world aren't I...

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