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(Kyle's P.O.V)
We walked in our school and i looked at Kenny then Stan and went to my locker.and fatass was there(Cartmen) I couldn't ignore him he was in front of my locker...I'm just tired...I'm also tired of him but in general I'm just really tired...I looked at him while Stan was talking to Wendy and kissing her...T-T

and Kenny was at his locker trying to find his history book since he had history first period

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and Kenny was at his locker trying to find his history book since he had history first period.
The next thing I knew fatass had pushed me on the ground."ANSWER ME JEW OR WE'LL GO HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN!PUNCH BY PUNCH!"
I won't lie,cartmen has gotten way more violent since middle school sixth grade...
I looked at him then looked down...im to tired..
The next thing I knew stan ran over and pushed cartmen to the ground and helped me up.
I hugged him.
I just don't wanna deal with this today.
Bebe and wendy and a few other kids looked at the three of us in shock but then went back to what they were doing except for Kenny he just kept watching...
I didn't notice but we had stopped hugging and stan was talking to me,basically shaking me at this point!i looked at him.

I can't believe that fatass has been bullying Kyle!he's so dead!
But why the fuck didn't Kyle tell me!

I was carefully shaking Kyle by his shoulders and all I could see were his eyes slowly closing.
At this point I was shaking him like crazy and Kenny was just chuckling in the backround but a few seconds later when Kyle hadn't come back from his sleep his face turned into a concerned look.
His eyes shot open and he looked at me.
He looked really scared and pale...
I kept asking if he was okay or if he was feeling alright but I got no response...just pure silence...
I actually forgot about fatass,I look over and he's just staring me down,giving a glare but also a concerned look I'm guessing for Kyle.when the fuck did he start caring about Kyle...ah fuck it!
Finally when the bell rang he came back..
He hugged me really tightly!!!tears falling down my neck that were his...
I was so confused!he needs to get to bed earlier!or this abuse between Carmen and him has been happening a lot!
Once he told me he stayed up through the whole night studying math!

I just need him to calm down and bring back my happy super BEST FRIEND!
After the whole crying sesh I lead him to class bc we both had language arts first period.

Sorry for not posting in a while!got caught up in school work! But this ship will always be up on my to do list! Lol 😂 thank for listening to my third chapter!♥️😋😁

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