I hurt him

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The whole first period I just kept watching Kyle just to make sure he was ok,luckily we were in the back corner away from the teacher so we didn't have to deal with her if she saw how tired Kyle looked and was acting.
He kept closing his eyes while trying to pay attention,I kept tapping him trying to wake him up.


I looked over while me,stan, and Kenny were walking to the cafeteria and then Wendy took Stan's arm and dragged him over to her friends and he sat with her...
She stared me down...
Clyde came over...
"How's it going with stan" he laughed "I see he's with the slut,I'd rather him be with that whore than a gay like you! Your lucky he doesn't know your gay,YET!"
"Yet" caught me off guard...
My life is over...
"But I'm not gonna tell him!just to make your suffering last a bit longer!" He laughed then walked away yelling "bye gay Jew"
Everyone in the cafeteria looked at him then me.
Well he just lied!
I got up in walked out of there like nobody's business!
—————-(WENDY'S POV)
He sprinted out of the cafeteria like a baby,I looked at stan,he didn't look mad!he looked happy then his expression turned into a concerned look!
I know that gay bitch likes my bf and he is so gonna regret it at the end of today!
I got up,I got Bebe and red and we went and followed the gay!
—————————(KYLE'S POV)
I hid in the closet in the hallway like we did in my last school!and the school before that one...I'm just so afraid of what everyone will have to say,especially stan...
I got up and realized that the fifth period had already ended and this was last period!
I got up and walked out just to find Wendy Bebe and red staring at me...red looked nervous or guilty of what she was about to do...
"CLAW HIS EYES OUT RED!" I heard Wendy yell.
Next thing I knew I was on the ground getting scratched and bruised by red..then she pulled out what seemed to be a camera then she got up and was holding the camera looking like she was trying to hide it from the girls but kept aiming at me getting beat up by Wendy and Bebe.
Then they stopped and they ran down the hall...
The last thing I saw red do was place the camera on the locker across from the hall facing me...were they watching me?
———————————(WENDY'S POV)
now it's all going according to plan!
Just let me smudge my lipstick and tare another piece of my clothing!and now I look like I got beat up!
Okay now it's time to get stan!
Me and Bebe ran out looking like we had just came out of the apocalypse,"Tata" i said as I waved to Kyle on my way out I saw stan in the hall!
He did skip class!probably looking for kyle!>:1
Now let's see what he'll think of him!
while Bebe was fake crying.
———————————————(STAN'S POV)
I ran towards my gf and was in shock I saw Bebe beside her, after what she had said,I was confused, Kyle looked so tired yet he did this!but I didn't care!no matter how much Kyle hated her he didn't have the right to hit them! He is so dead!

"Wendy honey let me take care of this!"
"Please do!" She squealed.
I ran down the hall to see Kyle leaned up against a locker. Red probably beat him up for them or something like that...
I looked at him,he smiled faintly.

(Thought I'd draw! Hope u like,btw there's this person on musical

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(Thought I'd draw! Hope u like,btw there's this person on musical.ly/TikTok-@bluecherry_redberry,follow them for their amazing art if u have the app!)

I didn't notice how much anger I had in me right now and I grabbed him by the neck and started choking him. The faint smile started turning into a face full of more tears than it had on before I got here, and he was full of fear.
I let go of him then started punching the crap out of him!
Scratches and blood were already all over him.
Blood was pooling out of his head as I slammed him to the ground and walked away angrily not even looking back and saying,"you aren't my super best friend but yet an enemy!YOU FUCKING GAY FAGGOT!"
-/////////////////(KYLE'S POV)
I can't breathe I can't speak...I can't see..anything...the thing I saw was stan walking away from me..Wendy did this,and his last comments hurt more than anything that came out of this...I wish I could die right now...
/////////(KENNY POV)
I was in the hall ways since I usually just skip math cause I fucking hate it!
And that's when I saw my worst nightmare...
He was bleeding like a lot,he could die from blood loss soon!i quickly grabbed him and ran him out of the school to the closest hospital.
Who would do this,cart-no he was in my math class this period,I never saw stan go into his class, nor red, Wendy, or Bebe!
Stan doesn't know how much I like Kyle and he does this!the next time I see stan....
God dammit why!
/////////(STAN POV)
As i was trying to find Wendy I heard giggles from the bathroom."stan was so ducking stupid he actually believed that fucking weak bitch did that to u-" I stopped her in mid sentence
They came out of the bathroom and Wendy yelled,"stan is fucking amazing I can't believe Kyle did this to us and you—uu hon!"
I was so heated I couldn't even tell if she were lying or not then red pulled me aside and she waved by to Wendy who looked annoyed...
We came out to the hall and I didn't see Kyle,only his blood,then I saw Kenny's math book he was supposed to bring back to math class this period...that is a lot of blood...no THAT GAY FUCK DESERVED IT!"
I turned to red who then grabbed a camera on top of a locker and brought it to me...
" watch it please..." I saw her start to tear up.
I played the video...wtf could it possibly be,was she trying to me feel guilty for hurting Kyle?no she doesn't know I did that..
I looked at it while I saw the video start with red herself on top of Kyle scratching him to pieces while I heard his sobbing.i thought...wtf is happening!?
Then she got up,that's when she placed the camera up there,then I saw Wendy and Bebe beat him up.then they stopped and got off him..
All I heard were his sobs and him trying to get up while getting against the locker...that's when I came in I saw the happiness in his eyes,I saw the fear go away...but then everything else happened red looked surprised,I also saw Kenny take him see Kyle then run through the halls with him...thats when I shut it off...she told me that Wendy and Bebe hurt themselves to make it look like Kyle hurt them when in reality they just wanted him to suffer...
"Why did they want him to suffer?!"
"Your are so blind,and you're a horrible "super best friend"!he loves you!"
I looked at her and started crying.i wanted to go find Kyle but I had no idea where he was...
I went home and got dressed and ate dinner then I got on my bed and watched tv.
The next thing I knew Kyle's face was on the tv.

"Breaking news today a kid by the name,Kyle broflovoski,the age 15 years old was beaten by someone at his school he is now in critical condition from his blood loss and bruises he had been given,we are lucky a student at his school name Kenny age ...

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"Breaking news today a kid by the name,Kyle broflovoski,the age 15 years old was beaten by someone at his school he is now in critical condition from his blood loss and bruises he had been given,we are lucky a student at his school name Kenny age 15 found him in the halls,this school doesn't have cameras...he is also in a blind state for a while due to scratches in his eyes that can effect his sight...we will get back on his condition tm afternoon."
I just zoned out...
I yelled without even knowing....I can't believe it....
I'm supposed to be there for him,he's always there for me!what kinda super best friend and I!?
"Son is everything okay!?"
My dad came in and had a worried expression on his face...
"D-dad Kyle's I-i-in the ho-hospital!"
I'm crying!?how did I not notice!?....
I'm just so tired...after I Omer talked for a bit I told him to leave and I went to bed hoping Kyle would...be okay...
I'm horrible...

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