💔Kennys broke heart...💔

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(Kenny's POV)

I'm walking into school and the first thing I see is Kyle and stan talking to each other...
I feel alone...
A few minutes of me looking in my locker for my history book I feel a tap on my shoulder..
"Hey Kenny!"
"Hey butters..."
"U okay?youve seemed off and we haven't talked.."
"Well,Stan is being an ass..and I believe I hurt Kyle..."
"Just tell them sorry!theyll forgive u,ur a good person!dont be sad Kenny!"
"Thanks butters,talk later..."
"Yeah...I guess..."
(Poor butters 😢)
I walked towards Kyle and stan..Stan looked a bit frightened.
"Guys I'm sorry for yesterday I was..I was a monster!im sorry for choking u stan and I'm sorry for throwing u Kyle...I don't know what happened to me..."
I was disgusted with myself even more now...
"It's fine Kenny!just don't do something like that ever again..u scared us..."
And then I finally realized it...Kyle will never love me..he's to good for me to begin with...I look across the halls at butters,he gives me a thumbs up.👍 and a smile.
I smile a crooked smile back.
"Thank u Kyle..and stan..I am really sorry..."
"It's not ur fault I started this bull crap!lets all just go back to being friends!"
Stan stated.
Stan answered with a smile.
I smiled back..
"Thank u!"
The bell rang and we then headed to class.
While in class I was contemplating on weather I should get that same old orange jacket but in a bigger size!finally I decided and I would go get it after school!luckily my mother got a really good job as a lawyer and everything was finally working out so I wasn't so poor anymore.
After school i was walking home when butters came up behind me probably trying to scare me.
"Butters I know ur there."
"Awww man!"
"Why are u here?im going to Walmart."
"Cool!maybe we can prank the workers or something!like how we used to!"
"We aren't little anymore butters!"
"S-sorry..."he started walking away..
He was standing in the middle of the road.
Luckily the car that was about to end him stopped in it's path and honked while butters ran towards me.i grabbed him by the hand and ran him to the other side of the road...
I was breathing heavily..
I looked at him,he was also out of breath...
"S-so,wanna come with me?..."
We walked to the closest Walmart and I searched for my orange parka (windproof large jacket)and it was in the back,weird..I've worn it for years...
And it's still for sale.
I grabbed it but I still didn't have enough money for it I sighed and walked out with butters telling him about it..;-;
We joked a bit and talked about everything.
"Kenny ur like the greatest person I've ever me-I mean well..u-u are!heh"
I looked at him.
I believe i was red af!
"Y-you okay Kenneth!?"
Oh god he just called me Kenneth,he's gonna make me pass the fuck out!i don't know why he is making me feel like this!
"I uh..i gtg..cya tomorrow butters!"I smiled a bit.
"You too!"
He smiled but I saw it fade...
As did mine..
(Butter butters butters😏)

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