🌻*Sunflower*🌻Angelic One

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I've been trying to sleep for hours but I can't..
I grabbed Stan's pillow and thought a bit while sitting on his bed in a criss cross apple Sauce position(if any of u know what that is then great,it's basically when u cross ur legs like a pretzel together)
After a while I got up and walked downstairs and walked towards Stan who was sleeping peacefully...
His hand hung over the couch's edge..
I put the pillow down and laid down holding his hand and kinda fidgeting with it..
And I started singing to him..
"Rose goes in glass vases,perfect body's perfect faces,they all belong in magazines,those girls the boys are chasing winning all the games their playing..their always in a different league..
Stretching towards the sky like I don't care..wishing I could see me standing there..
But I'm a sunflower
A little funny
If I were a rose
Maybe you'd want me
If I could id change overnight I turn into something you like but Im a sunflower a little funny and if I were a rose maybe you'd pick me if I could Id change overnight I turn into something you like.. and I know you don't have a clue this sunflower's waiting for you waiting for you

But I'm a sunflower..a little funny and if I were her maybe you'd pick me..but I know u don't have a clue this sunflowers waiting for u waiting for u.."🌻♥️🌻♥️🌻♥️🌻❤️🌻❤️
I sang myself to sleep while tears rolled down my ugly face..
And I let go of his hand as mine had gone limp..and I was dreaming...
I woke up to a nudge on my hand..and I heard singing...
"Rose goes in glass vases"
Wait that sounds oddly familiar..
"But I'm a 🌻 "
It was Kyle!?
" this sunflower's waiting for you"
Am I dreaming?no I woke up!
"And if I were her maybe you'd pick me.."
...I felt a tighter hold on my hand..
" but I know you don't have a clue this sunflower's waiting for you waiting for you..."
I felt him let go of my hand..
I was confused how long has he been down here..his voice was angelic...
I got up slowly and walked around the couch and there he was..sleeping peacefully..
I slowly picked him up carrying him to the bed..
"I love u Kyle..."
"Lof u..."
He just spoke in his sleep!?
He probably doesn't even know it's me...
Why did he sing..and why was he next to me..?
He's so adorable...
I placed him on my bed and I hugged him..
" I'm sorry..for everything..."
I walked back downstairs to my bed for the rest of the night and fell fast asleep...

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