The Deal That Ended Badly

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"Rise and shine buttercup!"
I heard my mother say
I slowly got up..
I changed and then I prepared for the worst...
"If he doesn't like u don't cry..don't cry...don't cryyyiiiiii...UGH it's useless!"
I was already tearing up and the day just started...
"Hun u alright!?"
"Yeah mommy!"
Wow I still call my mommy,mommy why would Kenny...nvm...
I walked out the door waving bye to my family..
Finally I got to school.
Well it wasn't a good thing but I'm here..
I felt glares piercing through me..
I heard unwanted gay jokes about me and Kenny...
Then Kenny walked into school,that's when everyone went silent, even miss Wendy...
He walked up to me.
He wasn't wearing my jacket.
Nor did he wear a smile on his face.
"Hey ken-
He walked right passed me.
I couldn't help it anymore,
I felt the tears go down my face...
It's over...
(Kenny's POV)
I heard cartmen yell.
I couldn't do anything.
He'd bully all of my friends,he'd bully butters even more than he is now..
Last night...
flash back—
I was walking out of school with his hoodie that he had given me as well as the note..
I read it but soon after Eric cartmen pulled me and threw me on the wall...
His friends by his side..
I'm sure Wendy was there too..
"What do u want faggot!?"
"I want u to ignore butters for a day."
"I wanna see the tears form in his eyes!"
"I-if...if I don't what will u do?..."
"I'll just get my 'friendly' friends here to bully a few of ur close friends including butters."
"Yes or no!"
"Now get the hell away from me!NOW!"
I ran around the building to where stan and Kyle were...act normal Kenneth act..act normal...
—end of flashback—
I turned to face cartmen..
I stared him down then looked at butters.
I ran to him
I couldn't control myself.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the boys bathroom.
He looked flustered.
"Because he made me..if I was able to ignore u for a full day my friends wouldn't get bullied...and I failed..."
"Because I JUST TEND TO FAIL EVERYONE I KNOW!i even failed myself..."
I slapped him without realizing it while tears streamed down both of are faces..
"Okay..I..I won't..u made it clear..that u don't want me here..."
He ran out of the bathroom.
I was alone..
I fell into a puddle of blob and started balling.
I hurt him!i hurt Kyle,and Stan!who next!im just like my father!a ticking time bomb!
I believe I stayed there the whole day...

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