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(Stan's POV)
Kyles mom lead us back outside and asked me if Kyle could stay over my house tonight...I got worried because she probably was asking me this because of her husband,"of course!"
I brought Kyle to my house.
He looked so scared and shaken from what had happened earlier..
"Are y-you feeling okay Stan?like ur um leg.."
"Uh,yeah of course!let me just get some bandages for ur eye..u want just ur right eye covered?"
"Yeah..thank u Stan.."
"No thank u,u saved me,he probably would've killed me.."
"...it wouldn't have happened if I didn't chase after u.."
"Oh,about that..do u like Kenny?.."
"NO!no...I,he kissed me and I..I gave in..but no I don't like him!i was just feeling alone..although he took my first kiss..."
I felt myself heat up,of anger...
Kenny made him kiss him basically..
He knew Kyle is in a sensitive state so he took advantage!that bitch!
I grabbed Kyle and hugged him tightly...
I wanna be his last first kiss...
I bandaged him up and he was able to see a bit.
I cleaned up my wound and bandaged my leg and we were good as new!kyle looked at me, I smiled and then he smiled back.i went to my drawer and grabbed two shirts and two pants for bed and I gave Kyle's his and then I went to the bathroom and I got changed.
I was walking back and I kinda thought he'd be done but he wasn't and when I opened the door he was shirtless I quickly but quietly closed the door back up..lucking his back was facing me so he didn't see me..
I felt my face heat up completely!am I blushing!ahh fuck!
Kyle is so god Danm tiny though..
Kyle opened the door "EKK! Oh my god I didn't expect u to be there!"
He squeaked!
"It's fine!!!"
I walked in and got my bed ready.
Fuck I just realized where wil-no I can sleep on the couch downstairs..
"I can sleep on the couch."
I said.
He said,I walked down stairs and got on the couch and soon after I fell asleep..

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