You can Forgive but you cant forget...

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I woke up with the tube and bandage still on me...
Without the tube it was hard to breathe...
I don't know why I forgave him so easily...

Anyways...I need to get ready for school...
My mom helped me out with changing and brushing my teeth..

those were the words I least wanted to hear...
I sighed and replied,"o-okay mom"
It was hard to talk and it hurt...
Twenty minutes later he came .
"Hey Kyle!"
"Hey stan..."
He helped me into the car and we drove to school.
/////////////////(STAN POV)
when we got there I helped Kyle out and held his hand so he knew where to go or so he wouldn't trip but I let go when we go in the school...
I saw everyone's eyes shoot at Kyle and his tube and his bandage I heard gasps and I looked at Kyle who was shivering and shaking in embarrassment.
"It's okay Kyle,Wendy lied to me that's why this happened,I will never take anyone's word but yours and if someone does something to you today they are dead okay!?" I whisper in his ear.
He smiled and nodded and we walked as I held the top of his bag to lead him.
Kenny ran up to us and shoved me and since I was holding his bag he fell with me as I fell.
"Ow" Kyle wined
"OMG KYLE IM SO SORRY!"Kenny screeched.
I helped him up and Kenny hugged Kyle tightly and stared me down.
"Um Kyle...-
"Thanks for bringing me to the hospital,the doctors said I would've died!"
Everyone in the hall was still staring but they gasped again but quietly and was now staring me down...
I deserved it but i was so embarrassed and so I stared everyone down as I watched Kenny and Kyle hug.
I had raging and boiling anger inside of me..
But Kyle was a friend he can't possibly...wait Kenny never gets really really emotional when someone gets hurt...but Kyle almost died...because of his friend....Kenny wouldn't possibly like him..I mean I know Kenny's Bi but...nvm...
Anyways after that we headed to our first class.

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