Butter's bruises

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I was walking to school and I excepted this to happen but..I saw cartmen coming up next to me.
"Soooo how was ur date gay ass?"
"Sh-shut up!he doesn't like me anyways!i have seen him stare at Kyle like I stare at him.."
"Awww,ur so fucking pitiful!grow up!he won't notice ur feelings,AND NO ONE EVER WILL"
Great way to start my day...
Great way...
He punched me in the stomach.
Then he kicked me...
"U don't tell me what to do butters!i do what I like!"
He stepped on my head.he kicked me in the stomach again...
"Hm what was that!?hah ur weak just like Kyle but at least he has the guts to fight back with words!heh u just let it happen!"
"Get away from him fatass!"
I turned my head..it hurt to even move...
Cartmen ran..
"I'm Here!a-are u okay!here um!"
He offered me his hand
I tried to get up but everything hurt.
He had to lift me up..
"Butters..what did he do to u!and why didn't u tell me he was doing this!?"
"It's n-not important.."
"WHAT R U SAYING!so when my father hits me when I protect my sister from his abusive self it's not important!?"
"I'm sorry..."
"It-it's fine..thank u..."
"No problem!..."
He carried me to school...
I hope he doesn't get made fun of for this.
He slowly put me on my feet when we got onto school grounds.
We walked together!it was so amazing,it's like he sees right through me...
I've got it!im going to confess to him!later today!but how should I?...
I got it!he couldn't afford that jacket I'll just take some money from my allowance and get it!
After four periods it was lunch time.
I skipped it and snuck out of school for the jacket,I bought it and snuck back in the school.
I wrote a little cute note 📝!
"To the boy who makes me smile when I feel like dying.
Thank u Kenneth."
I was excited,not just to give it to him but to finally let all of this off of my chest!
After the next two periods of staring into Kennys  blue diamond eyes I followed him out and ran towards him.
In the halls I pulled him towards my locker.
I opened it.
"what's this about butters?"
I got the jacket and put it behind myself as well as the note.
I saw cartmen in the corner of my eye...
"Kenneth I...I have feeings for u!i have fo-for a while now!i really care about y-I I Love U
A long silence...I should've known nothing good was coming out of this.
I heard kids behind me laughing and making fun of me.
Kenny didn't say anything he was just frozen...
More and more kids gathered around us...
"Butters I-
Before he could say whatever he was gonna say I ran..I ran out of the school dropping the jacket and letter behind me...
I was behind the school crying my eyes out until I saw Kyle broflovoski..walking up to me with his freckles and his orange bright ass hair,somethings that Kenny treasured that weren't me...
"Butters..I heard and saw what happened..."
"He didn't say no butters.."
"It felt like one..."
"Ignore them they wanted u to feel like this don't give them what they want... go get your Man!"
I burst out laughing while my tears slowly fell off my face.
No wonder why he liked him,he's always nice to talk to.
I thanked him and ran to Kenny.
Well I had to find him...
But he was already gone and so was the note and jacket.
The kids looked scared..
"What's wr-wrong..."
Cartmen laughed...
"Shut up fatty and tell me where he is!"
"Shut it butters or I'll Pummel u!"
"You'll do it anyways..."
I then walked back out of the school and I ran home...
I just hope that I will be able to speak with him tomorrow...

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