Saved by my guardians

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I heard my dad enter the house..
He ran up the stairs straight to me.
He saw what I had done and quickly grabbed another pill from his cabinet and made me swallow it.. he brought me to the sink and then I started to throw up...
I threw up the pills I had took a few minutes before..
I heard police sirens outside of my house...
And when I looked out the window I saw kenny and the police outside... I felt tired...
I then blacked out into my fathers arms...
Who then soon after called for help...
They wouldn't let me go in his house.i saw hospital cars take him away...
I asked questions that couldn't be answered
I felt alone
I felt like dying..
I caused him to do that...
I walked home...slowly
I went inside my room
Ignoring my father's yelling...
Ignoring my sister at my door..
But only focused on apiece of rope I knew I had to stay far away from...
I then looked at a photo of me and butters..

I then looked at a photo of me and butters

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I'm a monster...I really am...
I hope Stan and Kyle,Craig or tweet didn't get hurt..
I wouldn't be able to live with myself..
I turned on the tv and what do I see...

Kyle and Stan's face on the tv..
I turned it off and I cried myself to sleep.

Sorry about all of this sad stuff guys ;-;👎🏼

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