Lost but found

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Me and stan were searching for him..yelling his name...
It's been an hour..we are in a wooded area now..and then I felt stan grab me by the shoulders and yelled at me, "WHY DID U HAVE TO KISS HIM!?"
"Why did u have to be a pussy that ran away?"
Stan tried to throw a punch but with Stan being a little bit shorter than me I had the advantage.
I caught his punch and threw him on the tree next to us and his leg hit it first..
Out of no where I felt someone push me onto the ground..I look up.
He looked at me with a face full of tears..he then got off of me and ran to Stan.
They hugged with Stan on the ground..
"Y-your leg it's bleeding.."
"It's just a little cut..let's get u home ur mom is worried sick.."
(Stan's POV)
Out of no where Kenny grabbed Kyle and three him across the terrain.
He then grabbed me by the neck starting to choke me.
I saw Kyle pulling him and punching him but he wouldn't budge..it hurt..it burned..this is what Kyle felt..I felt tears fall down my face..it wouldn't be bad if I died by my ex-friend and my Kyle saw...I saw Kyle run away..
He left me..
The next thing I knew I was slowly blacking out..next thing I knew Kenny got whacked in the leg with a stick.he collapsed and let my neck go..
He grabbed my hand and tried to run away with me but I fell,and so he tried helping me up..then I saw Kenny behind me with a stick ready to hit me,luckily Kyle pulled me up and I ran with him.
I love him...
I was a bit faster than him so I decided to try and run faster than my legs begged me to..
I was in pain..my leg aching and my neck burning..
I looked behind me..Kyle and no Kenny,luckily we were basically home and so I ran in Kyle's house and I saw his mother just waiting at the door she ran and hugged Kyle then hugged me.."THANK U"
I heard a man yell..
                    probably his father...
THANK U TOO ALL WHO HAVE READ MY STORY!im so very thankful!and I'm sorry for the delay!i love u all so very much!thank u again!and be ready for more drama with Kenny!😏😅bye my little *styles*~ship name :3

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