Jace Herondale

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"Please! Amber wait!" I beg.
"Please don't do the pity thing, because it's really not going to go in your favor," Amber says. Tears cloud my eyes as Amber leaves. I take a deep breath and walk out the bathroom. I start walking towards class slowly, taking another deep breath, but before I even make it far enough I hear something I didn't think I would hear.
"Clary?" I turn around, my eyes wide, I was shocked at what this boy said.
"What did you just call me?" I ask.
"I....I herd your conversation," He says.
"Y-you herd that?! You were perving on us?!" I ask in shocked annoyance.
"What?! N-n-no I was not perving I was just, I was walking by and I-,"
"Oh my god! You were perving on us oh my god! you freak!" I say in disgust.
"N-no i was not perving on you, ok, i really i-,"
"Oh no no sure you weren't, you're a guy, you were perving into the girls bathroom, THAT IS NOT PERVING!" I yell.
"Oh my god! I was not perving on you! Ok?!"
"I just...how much of that did you hear?"
"I heard enough, you and Amber switched bodies, so..you're Clary Fray," He says. I then recognize him, thanks to the tears retreating. It's Jace Herondale. He's the school bad boy, he has a scar on the side of his neck. Rumors says that his dad slit his neck, others say it was an accident. Accident or not his parents were shot to death two years later. He lives with his aunt who is totally rich, everyone knows Jace's story, I can't decide whether he's a bad guy or not, but nobody talks to him, everyone's scared of Jace, he always gets into fights, he almost killed someone once. Even him standing there next to me, I was scared.
"How did you switch bodies?" Jace asks.
"It's just something I can do, but you can't know about this! Nobody can know about this!" I say.
"Well it's not like I'm going to tell anyone!" Jace says.
"Look! Please just forget that we had this conversation! Just forget everything that you heard ok?!" I ask as i start to walk away.
"Clary," Jace says grabbing my arm. Sparks fly up my arm. "I'm not gonna forget....I wanna help you," Jace says
"No i can do it myself, I don't need some guy that I hardly know to try and help me get my life back," I say.
"Ok, have it your way, but, don't you miss your clothes?" Jace asks. "Like, Clarissa Fray, don't take this the wrong way, but you're notorious for wearing designer clothes and earrings, don't you miss all of that?" Jace asks. "Because I'm pretty sure Amber doesn't have all that stuff."
"Yeah she doesn't and it sucks!" I say as I look at Ambers torn up shoes. "Ok why are we having this conversation?" I ask as I look up at Jace.
"I can help you get your clothes back,"
"How?" I ask.
"You think I've never broken into a house before?" Jace asks.
"So you would break into my house, risk getting arrested so you can get me a pair of earrings back?" I ask.
"As like...a token of trust," Jace says with a shrug.
"Yeah, I definitely know I'll be able to trust the guy who broke into my house," i say with an eye roll.
"No, not like that! I mean I would risk it, I would risk getting arrested to get something for you, so you know that I'm on your side," Jace says.

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