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    "Well then," my aunt Sammy says. "Go prove that she does deserve you," My aunt says.

     I sob in pain as I fall to the floor. "What did I do to deserve this?" I sob. "I want my life back!" I beg. I hear my laptop ding. I go to grab it and open it. I go to my email and see an email from Olivia.

Hi Clary,
Tell me when to visit and I'll come ASAP.

??? POV
     "I-I did what you told me to...but I couldn't find her," Meliorn says. I sigh and roll my eyes as I look at Amber. "Then she threw herself off the roof! That's not my fault!" Meliorn says.
"Ugh!" I say in annoyance as I look up at the ceiling. "She didn't throw herself off the roof, you idiot! I pushed her! Because you couldn't kill her," I say simply. "I hoped she'd be dead after that nasty fall....but unfortunately not," I sigh as I push my brown hair back. "Again thanks to you....you failed," I say, glaring at Meliorn. "Now, you have to die,"
"What?!" Meliorn asks, his eyes wide. I pin him to the wall and swiftly slice his throat open. I then let him fall to the ground as he chokes on his own blood.

I hear knocks at the front door from my room. "JACE! Go away!" I yell so he can hear me, but the knocks don't stop.
"Clary? Hi...um...Clary?" I hear a female voice ask. I get up and curiously walk towards the door. I open the door and see a beautiful girl. She was petite and had long dark brown hair with lightning blue eyes that popped with the dark clothes she wore. She had a black ripped jeans with an elegant black shirt with a white collar. "Hi, you must be Clary....I'm Olivia," The girl says.

"So, is it ok?" Clary's mother Jocelyn asks.
"What? The toast?" I ask, eyeing the disgusting piece of bread. "I hate toast!" I growl.
"Clary, you've never had an opinion on toast," Jocelyn says. "What changed?"
"I changed mom!" I growl. "Now get me something other than this piece of garbage."
"Ok," she says and grabs the plate. "So anyways Clary, is there a girl named Amber Jones at your school?" Jocelyn asks. I freeze.
"Yes....why?" I ask.
"Oh, it's just that her mom hasn't replied to the e-mails I sent her, regarding her getting her job back,"
"Her mom's on a business trip," I say.
"Sweetie, She can't be on a business trip, I fired her three months ago, and I know for a fact that she doesn't work," Jocelyn explains. My blood starts boiling. "I was gonna re consider giving her her job back, but since she's not replying to my e-mails..." I cut her off.
"You?!" I ask. "You fired my mom?!" I ask angrily.
"What?" Jocelyn asks.
"You're the reason I'm poor?!" I ask with anger.
"Clary, what are you talking about?" Jocelyn asks backing away. I laugh psychotically.
"Well, you might as well know since you're never going to see me again...I'm not Clary...I'm Amber in Clary's body....and you're so stupid to not have noticed that your daughter wasn't acting normal," I say with a grin. "You're a terrible mother," I say as I take out a knife.
"Clary...Amber....Please, Don't do this," Jocelyn begs.
"Just know.....you deserve this, Jocelyn Fray," I say as I stab her stomach.

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