Blackmailing Izzy

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I catch up to Amber in the hallway. "Amber...right?" I ask her. She jumps and looks at me.
"Uh...yeah....not that you care," Amber says sadly as she looks down at her shoes.
"But Amber...I do care...that's why I'm asking.... I wanted to apologize for Izzy..." I explain. Amber looks up at me, question is clear in her eyes. "She's just....She's always just an asshole, and you should totally just ignore her," I tell her as I flip my annoying hair behind my shoulder.
"Then why are you friends with her?" Amber asks.
"We've known each other since we were younger...I just....i kind of owe it to her but....anyways!" I say changing the topic. "About that party...would you like to come?" I ask sincerely.
"I can't," She mumbles and looks back down at her shoes.
"But can, I'm inviting you," i say as I try to grab her arm. She jerks away and looks back at me.
"She set you up to this didn't she?! She set you up to make a fool out of me! no I'm not going to that stupid party!" Amber yells suddenly, tears coating her eyes.
"Amber...I'm just trying to be friendly, i just want you to feel part of everything...I-I'm serious," I say guiltily.
"I've never been to a party before," Amber whispers as she looks back down at her shoes.
"Why don't you come? I can pick you up or-,"
"Ok I'll go!" Amber interrupts looking back up at me. " but, let me walk to your house," Amber says hurriedly.
"Ok.." I say awkwardly. "I should probably get going to class,"
"Same here," Amber says.

"This is cute," Izzy says. I stare at the short leather skirt that barley covered Izzy's butt. She had thigh high leather boots.
"'s short.." I say, looking at the curve of her butt that showed.
"I wanna look hot, and I have to be the hottest at the party because...well, it's my party," Izzy snobily says as she flips her hair gracefully.
"Yeah," I say. Izzy stomps towards me.
"Clary! What is wrong with you?! Can you at least give me a substantial answer?!" Izzy asks.
"That's a big word," I mumble dumbly yet jokingly.
"Ugh! You think I don't know stuff?" Izzy scoffs. She then looks back at the mirror. "Whatever, I'm getting this, it's Cute , besides I have earrings that'll match," Izzy says mostly to herself. She changes back into her normal clothes and goes to the line for the cash register. "You know, my mom isn't even working late tonight, she's going out with her crappy boyfriend and-," she stops, her eyes widening. "Shit! I forgot my purse!" Izzy says. I've never bribed or blackmailed Izzy before.
"I'll pay," I say. Here goes nothing, "and you don't have to pay me back....on one condition," I say.
"What?!" Izzy asks desperately.
"I invited Amber to your party....I want you to be nice to her,"
"WHAT?!" Izzy asks in shock. I've never been rude to her either.
"No skirt then," I say with a shrug and start leaving.
"Wait!" Izzy snaps desperately. She sighs. "I'll be nice to her," Izzy says with an eye roll. I walk back to the line with her. But i gave in too easy, see, Izzy had a way of controlling everyone around her. Even though she's the meanest, baddest girl I've ever met, she's actually helped me. Three years ago, my sister Katy died in a car accident, I was driving, I had a hard time coping, so did my mom, so she sent me to Idris Hills, the school for...let's say troubled rich kids, there I met Izzy who helped me forget...we would party all night and then get detention the next day for falling asleep in class, of course, Izzy talked us out of that...she had this charm, she could always play innocent to adults, she could become a completely different person in front of my eyes. Although we were bad, it made the nightmares and guilt go away, but that only went away for so long, and it's coming back.

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