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     "Good," Amber mumbles as she pulls away.
      "CLARY!" I yell.
     "No!" Amber curses as she runs to the door. I always knew that was Amber, the kiss just confirmed it,

1) Clary would never hesitate on touching me
2) Clary isn't too impatient
3) Clary isn't hostile, she's sweet
4) Clary's kisses make butterflies jump around in my stomach and make sparks shoot up my arms as I touch her, Amber's kisses don't.
5) Clary always touches my hair when she kisses me
6) I saw the injection poking out from the door.

   "CLARY!" I hear Jace yell.
    "Oh my god it's Jace!" I say as I run out of the hospital room. As I do I see Amber run out of Jace's room. "Amber..." I mumble. "Izzy...please go make sure Jace is safe....Olivia, come on," I say as I start to chase down Amber.

    I walk into Jace's room and awkwardly stand next to him. "Ok, i know you hate me but I'm here to supervise you as of Clary's advice..." I say as I roll on the balls of my feet. Jace stares at me, making the atmosphere even more awkward than it already was. "Are you ok?" I ask.
     "I'm a little shaken up, but I'm fine," Jace says.

     I run into the parking lot behind Amber. "Amber wait!" I yell. "Amber just wait!" I say. She sighs and stops. "Just hear me out! Just for one second," I beg. "Please be reasonable with me," She then turns around to look at me.
      "Ugh, but I don't want to be reasonable with you!" Amber says in a childish voice. "You get on my nerves," Amber says as a gust of wind lightly lifts her red hair up.
      "Why are you doing this to everyone?" I ask. "You're harming and murdering people who have done nothing to you!" I say.
       "I don't know what you're talking about... I didn't lay a hand on anyone...you did everything," Amber says with a shrug. "It's all down to you," I swallow nervously. "I really think you have the wrong idea...let's just talk about this like reasonable people," I say.
        "OW! CLARY HELP!" I turn around to see Olivia on the ground.
       "Olivia!" I say as I run up to Olivia. "Oh my god! What happened to you?" I ask.
        "She looked just like you," Olivia squeaks.
        "What?! How did this happen! Olivia! Oh my god!" I say in tears. "Olivia stay awake!" I say as I spot the knife that was stained with Olivia's blood. "Stay there...stay alive...I'll be right back," i say as I stand up and grab the knife. I go up to Amber angrily. "The fun's over Amber," I say. "How do you do it?" I ask.
     "Do what?" Amber asks innocently.
      "Olivia is dying! I was here, watching you when she got stabbed with this knife!" I say angrily. "Who are you working with?!" I ask.

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