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Soon, Mr. Timmons moves his family into his father's old farmhouse. The charming, rustic house is far out in the country, far away from any major cities. But the move isn't the best idea for the family financially, and as a quick year flies by they find themselves in a deep financial hole. If only they had more horses on their horse farm, then things would be a lot better. But Mr. Timmons was unable to get back any of the horses that his cousin sold.

Despite the troubles they may have, though, the sun still shines radiantly over the top of the large horse farm. They may still have only one horse, but the little girl who now lives here loves this horse with all her heart. At the moment, this little girl is wearing a dark red shirt and light colored blue-jeans with small holes torn in either knee. She is running out of the barn at full force, her long blond hair whipping back behind her, her bangs bouncing up and down upon her forehead.

She rushes towards the little house in the middle of the farm, throws the door open, and runs inside without closing the door behind her. She runs up the stairs, and throws open another door at the top. She emerges into a small, yellow room, then heads over to the far right corner of the room.

She starts to dig through a blue toy chest, and after a few seconds of digging through its contents she pulls out a small disposable camera. After smiling triumphantly, she rushes out of the room, back down the narrow stairway, and out the front door. She runs all the way back to the barn, swings open the large, red doors, and hurries inside.

Slowing down to a fast-paced walk, she passes many empty horse stalls on either side of her. She finally gets to the last stall, where Mr. Timmons and his wife are standing around a dark brown horse that is lying on the ground.

"Did I miss it, Daddy?" The little girl asks Mr. Timmons, breathing heavily after her run to the house and back.

"No, you didn't, but it's almost time," he replies.

"Good, because I wanted to take some pictures!" The little girl says excitedly, holding up the camera to show her mother and father.

Mr. Timmons gives the little girl a warning look.

"Don't worry Daddy," she tells him. "I turned the flash off so that it doesn't scare Livia."

Suddenly, Livia begins to snort. Her legs start to kick harshly, back and forth.

The girl gasps excitedly "The baby is coming!" She squeezes the camera tightly in her hands.

"Now be calm, Claire," the woman says to the little girl. "You might frighten Livia."

Livia kicks and snorts some more. She lets out a piercing neigh, causing Claire to cover her ears.

"I see a head coming!" Mr. Timmons shouts.

Livia snorts, kicks, and neighs until finally, finally, a baby colt is lying on the ground.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Claire says as she snaps a picture of the newborn foal.

And a very cute colt he is indeed! He is a shade of light brown, with a black mane and tail. He has three large, identical white spots; one on his back, and two on either of his sides. He also has four white 'socks,' one above each of his hooves. He looks just like his mother, except his mother is dark brown, and she only has one white spot, which is on her back.

"He's all yours, Claire," Mr. Timmons says.

Claire stares up at her father. "Really?" She squeaks, her eyes wide and full of excitement. She looks at her mother, who smiles warmly and nods her head.

Realizing that this is for real, Claire throws her hands up in the air. "Yes!" She shouts as she wraps her father in a tight hug. She then runs over to her mother and embraces her as well.

"So, what are you going to name the foal?" Claire's mother asks.

Claire thinks for a moment. "I think I'll call him... Sable," she replies.

Livia looks up at Claire. "Sable," she says to herself with a smile. She then looks down at her new son and nuzzles him gently. "Then that is what I shall call you, too."

Wild and Free #1: FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now