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As he and Relment walk, Sable notices the darkening sky above him. Not only is it getting dark because of the sun that is slowly going down, but it is also growing dark because of some black clouds that are beginning to move in. They look very ominous to Sable, and he shivers slightly.

"Is it just me, or do those clouds look kind of creepy to you, too?" He asks his friend.

Relment looks up to the sky. "Wow, those are some really dark clouds," Relment says, stopping in his tracks. "Looks like we might get a good storm!"

Sable freezes when Relment says the word 'storm.' He thinks back to when that storm came just a few days before, at the Timmons's farm. Because of it, the barn that was his home caught on fire, and burned to the ground.

He hates storms. They can cause so much damage and trouble. Now that a storm might be coming, though, he doesn't know what to do! "A s-storm is c-coming? N-Now?" He stammers to Relment.

Relment looks at his friend and sees the fear in his eyes. And to Sable's surprise, he even sees some fear in Relment's eyes, as well.

"It's not too big a problem," Relment tells Sable. "As dangerous as the forest is, it's nothing compared to a bad storm. So the best thing to do is probably to find shelter for the herd somewhere in the forest."

Suddenly, both horses hear a loud rumble of thunder. The whole herd shutters.

"We'd better do this, and fast!" Relment shouts as he and Sable gallop away.

Again, all the pressure begins to wear down on Sable. He has to go collect Zedly, find a safe spot from the storm for thirty-two horses, and then lead the herd to it, all before the storm strikes. And there is no telling exactly when a storm is going to strike. He again begins to seriously think about resigning as leader, just so that he doesn't have to deal with the pressure of taking care of an entire herd!

But right now, his biggest worry is finding Zedly.

Sable and Relment approach the spot where the leader last saw Zedly, but the foal is not there.

"Where is he?" Sable says, beginning to panic.

"Someone really needs to teach this colt how to stay with the herd," Relment says. His voice sounds annoyed, but it also sounds a little anxious.

A flash of lightning streaks across the dark sky, and the clouds appear to be growing ever darker.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?!" Sable and Relment hear someone holler at them. They both turn around to see Zanzeph running towards them. "We need to get the herd somewhere safe. A big storm is approaching fast!"

"We're working on it," Relment hollers back at Zanzeph. "But right now, Zedly is missing again!"

"But, the storm!" Zanzeph shouts.

The wind is picking up, so Sable and Relment can barely hear Zanzeph.

But Sable now realizes, as the storm approaches faster, that he has to be brave. A possibly severe storm is coming, there is a missing foal out there, and an entire herd of horses need some sort of shelter. He can think of resigning as leader some other time. Right now, he needs to be the best leader that he can be.

So, he comes to a decision.

"Relment, you and Zanzeph go and help Marista gather the herd into the forest."

"But what about Zedly?" Relment asks.

Sable looks into the forest with a determination he has never felt before. "I'll go find him."

"By yourself?" Relment says, surprised.

"I have to," Sable says as another flash of lightning lights up the sky. "It's the only way to get everything done that needs to be done, before the storm hits."

With the clock ticking down, the young leader runs away into the forest, leaving Relment behind.

Relment runs back to the herd, with Zanzeph in toe. After a quick scan through the herd, he finally finds Marista.

"A storm is coming!" Marista shouts, the wind whipping her mane back and forth.

"I know!" Relment has to shout over the wind. "We need to gather everyone into the forest, Sable's orders!"

"But the forest still isn't safe enough!" Marista replies.

"It's the only place right now!" Relment says.

Marista glances around. "Where is Sable, anyway?" She asks.

"I think he went into the forest to search for Zedly again!" Zanzeph replies.

All three horses are now having to shout to be heard over the loud, blowing wind.

Marista smiles. He's actually doing something on his own! She thinks. I knew he could do it!

At that, Marista, Relment, and Zanzeph run as fast as they can to gather the rest of the herd, and lead them into the forest.

Wild and Free #1: FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now