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Sable runs through the forest, calling Zedly's name, as a role of thunder sends a chill up his spine. But no matter what obstacles he comes across, and no matter how scared he may be, he is determined to find the foal. He will prove to Zedly that he is worthy of the young foal's trust.

"Zedly!" he continues to call. "Zedly!"

Over and over again he calls the foal's name. He has to shout at the top of his lungs, for the wind is not letting up, and its roar drowns out his cries. He is not even sure if it is possible for Zedly to hear him

Suddenly, the rain begins to pour from the dark clouds. Not one single, tiny drop falls first to warn Sable that the rain is coming. But despite this unpredictable yet expected surprise, he still continues on. He is not the least bit worried about the herd right now... he knows that Marista can handle it.

Right now he is more worried about Zedly, alone in the dangerous forest, out in the middle of the cold rain!

It isn't long before Sable is completely drenched, and soaked to the bone. Not only is he shivering from fright, but he is also shivering from the ice-cold raindrops. As the rain continues to beat down, harder and harder, and the wind begins to roar even louder, he picks up the pace. He has given up calling Zedly's name now, for his throat is sore, and his voice is hoarse. And with the wind still blowing wildly, he now knows that Zedly can't possibly hear him, anyway.

A loud pound of thunder erupts, shaking the land. This loud boom, as if a shotgun has been fired right next to Sable's ear, causes him to panic once again. He begins to run through the forest even faster, trying to find a safe place to stay until the storm dies down.

As he gallops, he hears a faint voice yelling over the howling wind. "Hey! In here!"

Sable squints his eyes to see through the blinding rain. He spots a shadow of an animal in front of him, possibly a small horse. Without thinking, he runs toward the shadow.

As he draws closer to the shadow, he begins to see the shape of a cave through the buckets of rain. He rushes inside, and everything is immediately quiet and dry. He shakes his sopping wet mane out, though he is so soaked that it doesn't help him much. He is just thankful to finally be out of the rain that is continuing to fall like a never-ending waterfall, trying to form a river on the grass.

"What were you thinking, going out in a severe storm like this?" A voice says from the corner of the cave.

Sable immediately recognizes this voice and directs his eyes to the back of the cave, where he sees the foal he has been searching for.

"Zedly!" The young leader cries out excitedly. "I was so worried about you, alone in this storm!"

"Oh, you mean like you were?" Zedly replies sarcastically.

Sable stares at the foal, and his excited expression disappears. "W-well, that's different," he says. "I'm an adult, so I... I can handle things like that."

"Yeah right," Zedly replies. "If it weren't for me, you'd still be out there!"

Both horses are silent for a moment, the only noise being the rain outside, which is muffled from inside the dark cave.

Sable finally breaks the silence by saying, "Zedly, I'm just curious. Why do you hate me so much?"

Zedly glares at Sable, and then stares at the ground, silent once again. Finally, the foal replies quietly, "I don't hate you. I just... have a hard time adjusting to change, that's all."

Sable lightens up at this reply. He figures now would be a good time to try to finish his previous conversation with Zedly.

"Are you ready to talk about Meekla now?" He asks. "I mean, sometimes talking will make you feel better."

Zedly glares at Sable once again, and then looks away, staring out of the mouth of the cave at the rain that is still continuing to pour. "There's nothing to talk about," he replies sharply.

But Sable doesn't buy it. He knows that something is troubling this foal. "Come on Zedly, I know there's something on your mind. Whatever it is, you can tell me."

"I told you, there's nothing to talk about." Zedly answers again, a bit louder this time.

But Sable is not going to take no for an answer. "Well, maybe just something about your mom. It doesn't have to be..."

"It's my fault she died, okay?!" Zedly shouts, taking Sable by surprise. The leader is speechless.

Once again, the only sound throughout the cave is the muffled pitter-patter from the raindrops, hitting the roof of the cave outside.

Wild and Free #1: FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now