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"We should follow them," Marista says. "There's no telling what that bear could do to Sable!"

Zanzeph is quiet, but Tellis and Zedly both say at the same time, "I'll come with you."

"It's too dangerous for you, Zedly," Marista says as she glares at Zanzeph for not volunteering. "So, since Zanzeph obviously doesn't want to come, you can stay with him."

Both Zedly and Zanzeph's mouths drop open, but it appears right now that there is nothing else they can do. So they stay in the tall grass with Clandri, as Marista and Tellis go off to follow Sable and the bear.

Poor horse, Clandri thinks about Sable as she watches Marista and Tellis run off. I wish there was some way that I could help...

As they run, Marista says to Tellis, "I'm surprised. You're actually doing something on your own for once, instead of doing whatever Zanzeph is doing."

"Well, I really want to help Sable. But I kind of feel bad," Tellis replies. "As if I'm betraying my brother, or something."

"By just helping our leader?" Marista asks. She grew up with Tellis, but sometimes she doesn't understand him!

"It's mainly because Zanzeph doesn't like Sable for some reason, and I feel like I'm going against him," Tellis says.

"What do you mean he doesn't like Sable?" Marista asks.

"He thinks that something weird is going on with him," Tellis replies. "I keep trying to convince him that Sable is just a normal, wild horse, but he doesn't believe me."

Little does Tellis know, though, that Sable isn't exactly a normal, wild horse. He isn't even a wild horse at all! But Marista doesn't tell him this. She keeps quiet as she and Tellis continue to run, trying to catch up with Sable and the bear.

Sable's legs feel numb. He doesn't know how much longer he can run, but he knows that if he goes any slower, the roaring bear behind him will catch up to him. It is already beginning to gain speed!

Sable tries to think fast. How can I lose this bear? I can't run like this much longer!

As he runs, he fails to see a small rock in his path. He stumbles over it, and begins to lose his balance. He tries to catch himself, but is unsuccessful. Instead, he falls straight to the ground. He is so exhausted, that once he is down he can't get back up.

Seeing that its prey is down, the bear slowly creeps up to Sable. The horse breathes heavily, but he is too weak to do anything. The bear stands up on its hind legs, high above the fallen horse.

It is now that Marista and Tellis show up. From a distance, they see what is happening.

"Oh no!" Marista shouts. "We're too late!"

The two of them watch in horror as the bear draws his front paw back, preparing to strike Sable.

Sable, feeling defeated, closes his eyes. His head feels heavy, so he lays it on the ground.

Just before the bear is about to attack, they all hear a small voice say, "Hey bear, over here!"

Marista and Tellis look over to see Clandri standing on the opposite side of the bear.

The bear also turns its head around to see whoever it is that shouted at it. Once it sees the tiny fawn, it lowers its paw, gets back down on all fours, and lets out a powerful roar. Clandri turns around and runs back into the forest. The bear forgets all about Sable, and runs after the fawn.

After they make sure that the bear is a good distance away, Marista and Tellis run over to Sable's side. Marista bends her head over and nudges Sable with her muzzle. "Sable, are you okay?" She asks, but she doesn't get a response. Lifting her head back up, she says to Tellis, "He's unconscious."

"How are we going to get him back home?" Tellis asks.

"We'll probably have to drag him," Marista replies. "It's what he and Relment had to do to get me out of that fire yesterday."

As Marista and Tellis begin to drag Sable back towards home, Tellis says, "I wonder what became of little Clandri."

"I'm right here!"

The two horses drop Sable, and spin around to see the fawn standing there behind them.

"How did you get here so fast?" Tellis asks Clandri.

"Yeah, and how did you meet up with Sable and the bear so fast?" Marista adds.

"I lost the bear by ducking behind a thick group of trees," Clandri replies, looking at Tellis. "My spots helped me to blend in, so the bear lost sight of me." She then turns her head to look at Marista. "And, I guess I just really know my way around the forest!"

Marista and Tellis both smile at the fawn.

"Well, you really helped out a lot today, Clandri," Marista tells her. "So, thank you."

"You're welcome!" The fawn replies, and then she runs off into the forest again, heading home to wait for her mother.

"What is taking them so long?" Zanzeph wonders aloud. "I'm tired of being stuck with you for so long!"

"Hey, I haven't even said a word!" Zedly replies. "You're the one who's been complaining to yourself over there this whole time. Try spending a few minutes with yourself sometime!"

"Oh, just be quiet!" Zanzeph shouts at the foal.

Zedly glares at the stallion. "You're being mean!" He shouts back.

"Yeah, well, I do that to little crybabies!" Zanzeph shoots back.

"You would probably do the same thing if your mother died!" Zedly continues to shout.

"What is going on over here?" The two arguing horses hear Marista say.

Zanzeph and Zedly look up from where they are still laying in the tall grass to see Marista and Tellis, with an unconscious Sable at their hooves.

"What happened to him?" Zedly asks.

"I think that he's just worn out," Marista replies.

"Do you think you could give us some help here?" Tellis asks his big brother hopefully, and then he looks down at Sable.

Zanzeph rolls his eyes. "Fine, whatever," he replies.

As Zanzeph comes out of the tall grass to help drag Sable, Marista moves away.

"What are you doing?" Zanzeph asks her. "Aren't you still going to help?"

"Only on one condition," Marista replies as she looks over at Zedly, who is also climbing out of the tall grass. "That you apologize to Zedly."

Zedly looks up at them, as Zanzeph groans. "What? Why?" he asks. "He's young, he'll get over it!"

"If you don't, then I guess you'll be dragging Sable home on your own," Marista replies. She glances at Tellis, and he moves away from Sable too.

Zanzeph sighs heavily. "Fine," he says sharply under his breath as he turns to look at Zedly. "Sorry for calling you a crybaby, and for arguing with you."

To everyone's surprise, Zedly actually smiles at Zanzeph.

"It's okay," the foal replies quietly.

Wild and Free #1: FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now