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The rest of the herd welcomes Zedly back, but he ignores them all.

"So you found the wild child, did you?" Relment asks Sable as he and Zanzeph approach Sable and Marista.

"Yes he did, that little brat," Marista replies. "But he is being way too disrespectful to Sable!"

Zanzeph looks over at Sable with a surprised look on his face. "You actually let him be rude to you?" He asks.

"C-come on guys. I mean, he's just t-trying to get used to me, I guess," Sable replies. "Plus, he lost someone v-very close to him just a few days ago, so I think that we should c-cut him some slack."

Zanzeph stares at Sable. "Well, I know one thing. He did not used to act like such a brat when his mother was alive!" At this, Zanzeph walks away.

"I think that proves it right there," Sable says to Relment and Marista. "If Zedly didn't used to act like this, th-then he is probably just mourning over his mother's death."

"Weird way to show it," Marista replies. "He used to be such a nice little colt, always respectful to everyone."

"Maybe he needs some cheering up," Sable says. "And as the new leader, I think that I'm the perfect one for the job!"

Marista sighs. "Okay," she says, giving Sable a doubtful look. "But do what you think you need to do to him if he gets lippy again."

Sable walks through the herd, searching for Zedly, rehearsing what he is going to say to the foal in his head. He finally finds Zedly grazing a few feet away from the herd.

"H-hey Zedly," Sable says, in as kind of a voice as he can, as he approaches the foal.

Zedly looks up from his grazing. Once he sees who is speaking to him, he rolls his eyes and continues to graze.

"Come on, can't we talk for a minute?" Sable asks, but Zedly continues to ignore his leader.

Sable thinks for a moment. "Zedly, as your leader, you n-need to obey me." He tries to sound strict, but it comes out as more of a quiet suggestion.

Zedly remains silent.

So Sable tries to think of a way to get Zedly's attention. "So, w-what was your mother's name?"

Finally, Zedly looks up from his grazing and stares at Sable. After hesitating for a moment, he replies quietly, "Meekla."

"That's a great name," Sable says, trying to reassure Zedly. He is just glad that the foal actually said something!

But now Zedly is silent again. He is standing still; not grazing, and not looking at Sable. He is just staring at nothing, in a daze.

Sable's best guess is that the foal is thinking about his mother. "Would you like to talk about it?" He asks, trying to draw Zedly out a bit more.

"Talk about what?" Zedly asks, turning his head to look at Sable.

"Well," Sable replies. "About what h-happened, you know, to your mother."

Zedly glares at the leader. "It is none of your business how my mother died!" The foal shouts.

This surprises Sable. "Come on Zedly," he tells the foal, still trying to be as kind as he can. "I was just trying to help."

"I don't need your help!" Zedly continues to shout, as tears gather in his eyes.

"Zedly, I..."

But before Sable is able to say another word, Zedly takes off running, tears flooding down his face.

"Zedly!" Sable calls after the foal. "Zedly, wait!" But Zedly ignores him and continues to run.

Marista comes running up behind Sable. "What is going on over here?" She asks him. "I could hear Zedly shouting from all the way on the other side of the herd!"

"Marista, I-I-I can't do this," Sable says frantically.

"What are you talking about?" Marista replies. "You can't do what?"

"I can't be the leader of this herd," he tells her. "There are too many changes! I mean, having to hide secrets from my own herd, count horses, find missing foals, deal with a colt who doesn't respect me for anything... it's all too much to adjust to!"

"Hey, calm down," Marista says soothingly.

"I'm not sure if I can," Sable replies, though just hearing Marista's voice has caused him to speak in a calmer tone. "I think I should..." He hesitates for a moment.

Marista looks at Sable nervously, for she thinks she has an idea of what he is about to say next.

The young leader sighs. "I think that I should resign my position as leader."

He says this so quietly that Marista can barely hear him. But she hears enough, and she gasps as the words come out of his mouth. "But Sable, if you resign your position, who will lead us?"

"I'm sure there are a lot more horses in this herd who are respected more than I am!" Sable replies.

"Sable," Marista says in a comforting tone. "Just because one bratty little foal doesn't respect you, it doesn't mean that the whole herd doesn't. You saw the way they responded when you were counting them."

"True, I guess," Sable replies.

"You're just new here," Marista continues. "It takes a little while to adjust to new situations."

Sable smiles. He hasn't been here for very long, but he feels like he has known Marista forever! A small talk with her seems to be exactly what he needs.

"So, where did the little brat Zedly go, anyway?" Sable hears Relment say. He didn't even notice Relment approach!

"I think that he ran that way," Sable replies, looking towards the sun now setting in the west, and wondering how long Relment has been standing there. "But I think I saw him stop and lay down right at the foot of the forest."

"Well, you'd better go and get him," Marista says to Sable. "It's almost time for the whole herd to go to sleep, so he needs to be here."

Sable starts to walk away to get Zedly.

"Wait! I'll come with you," Relment hollers, and then he runs up next to Sable.

Wild and Free #1: FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now