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weeks has passed, everything went normal but i still couldn't get used to this. i still can't accept i got kissed by a kidnapper last week.

how old is he?

"aren't you eating?"

i lifted my head up to meet taehyung's eyes gazing on me. i sighed and picked up my utensils to start eating. silence filled the air as always but it's kinda, comfortable?

taehyung hasn't been harsh on me nor chain me up or something. he also let me go around the house but, of course, he doesn't let me out of the door. one time, i was so amazed by the view of the garden through the window that i wanted to check it out but taehyung closed the door, looking down at me as if i'm trying to escape.

"you have important meeting today, i suppose?"

and yup. i manage to talk to him now, he's not scary as i thought last time. he's calmer these days and would talk to me normally as if i'm not his victim.

and i talk to him as if he's not my kidnapper.

"yeah," he said and drank up his water then quickly divert his gaze on me.

i continued to eat and ignored his look. i looked up again and saw him still looking at me, ah no, studying my face. i furrowed my eyebrows.

"what?" i asked bluntly.

"you'll come with me," he said and stood up.

"huh? where?" i also stood up and ran after him, grabbing his arm.

he faced me again and looked down on me. somehow, i felt so small under his gaze. why is he so freaking tall and slender? or am i just small?

"company. you'll come with me." he said, giving me a blank face of his.

suddenly, an excitement tingled inside me. is this it? my moment to finally run away?

i was thinking of ways of how i would run away later but taehyung grabbed my hands to take off of his arms.

"don't think about escaping, you know what will happen. worse." he warned and turned his back on me.

i scoffed and glared at his back. what does he expect? his victim that wouldn't escape when she got a fucking chance to actually run away? is he stupid or he's not just using his brain?

i flopped myself onto the sofa and stared at the ceiling.

no cellphone, i'm so bored.

a gasped escaped my mouth when i realized it's been weeks since i held a cellphone on my palm. oh god, how did i survive?

i was congratulating myself when taehyung went out of his room, white towel wrapped around his lower waist. i quickly looked away and breathe.

"change your clothes, i have a dress over your room that would fit you." he said while giving me a normal look.

"why do you have a dress?" a chuckle almost escaped my lips but i tried my best not to.

"it's not mine, stop thinking that way," he scoffed.

"then whose?" i asked, making my way to my room.

"ex," he simply said.

i quickly looked back at him with a scoff, he confusedly looked back too. meeting my rolling eyes.

"seriously? you're going to let me wear your ex' clothes? how come you still have her dress anyways?" i scoffed, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

i hate sharing clothes and i CAN'T just wear his ex' clothes. what the heck is he thinking? i would wear that?

"well, i picked it up from the trash." he said and chuckled.

"i'm not wearing it," i said, giving him my strongest look but a chuckle just escaped his lips.


"then go naked," he laughed.

"i'd rather do that, fuck you." i said and turned my back, so pissed.

why the heck was he not bothered by me wearing his ex' clothes as if it doesn't matter at all? well if it doesn't matter to him, it does to me.

i'm a very hygienic person that i don't share things with others. even if you say you're clean, even if we're related in blood, i would NEVER share my things to you.

"just wear it! stop being germaphobic because she was clean!" he yelled but i rolled my eyes.

i glanced at the dress that were lying beautifully on the bed. it doesn't look bad as i expected, in fact, it's cute. it has silky fabric and color nude pink.

i grabbed the dress and went to the bathroom to change.

i sighed when i remembered i'm wearing the same bra for weeks. unhygienic as fuck.

i went out and checked my self at the mirror.

it does fit me.

i combed my hair and put powder on my face as i don't have any make up with me. after i was done preparing myself simply, i went out to see taehyung on a suit.

as usual, he look good as always. handsome.


no no no, i mean he look okay.

i quickly looked away and went over the kitchen counter to drink water. i felt his gaze following me, as well as his body. i quickly felt nervous for unknown reason.

i looked up from drinking and saw his lips slightly tugged up, glancing me up and down. he looked fondly at the dress i was wearing as if it's the dress he's only seeing. as if he's looking at it in a window store and a mannequin was wearing it. his gaze doesn't stumble upon my face but only the dress.

his eyes didn't leave the dress.

i scoffed.

i knew it, he's still not over his ex. why did he want me to wear this trash? i'm not a fucking model for him to be reminded of how his ex wore this.

i irritatedly started walking away but i was pulled by him, earning a yelp from me. my cheeks landed on his hard chest, my body colliding on his, my arms on my side as he embrace my figure.

what is he doing?

"wha—" i tried to speak but he started speaking.

"i missed you," he softly said and started caressing my hair in a soothing motion. i confusedly knitted my eyebrows and was about to push him away when he whispered something but i clearly heard it.



ok so idk if y'al still alive after the concert in l.a i'm fucking screaming they all look good asf & they're on live rn but we dont have wifi lmao


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