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i'm planning on having like a art or edit contest (not really) for this book and get the last chapter dedicated for the ones who joined but i don't think anybody will lmaoooo enjoy reading!!!


sitting on the passenger's seat, staring at the window, i bit my nails and sighed.

i put my hands on my lap and played with them.

"is something bothering you?" bogum asked, driving.

"it's nothing." i said.

"didn't you like the kim couple? we could just cancel your—"

"no, they could help our business. plus, why wouldn't i like them?" i said and pursed my lips.

"oh, okay then." he said and sighed, "oh by the way, the kim couple said they will be having bridal shower next day at the beach, are we going?" he asked.

"are we invited?" i asked and he nodded.

"i have so many things to do than wasting my time over something that has nothing to do with me." i said and looked at the window, noticing we're almost at the house.

i fixed my purse and was ready to get out when bogum grabbed my hands.

"think about it." he said and let go.

i looked at him and went out.

i won't even think about it.

i put my purse down my couch and washed my face.

why don't i like that choyeon?

i mean, we just met but i feel like i hate her since.

what? bridal shower?

i rolled my eyes and widened my eyes after.

what the heck did i just do?

i groaned and went to my bed, closing my eyes.

few moments, i opened it.

should i go? i mean it would help my business as i will get their trust?

i grabbed my phone and texted bogum.

after that, i closed my eyes and forced my self to sleep.


"hey, we're here." i heard bogum's voice beside me.

i opened my eyes and was greeted by the hot sand and water.

i stretched my arms and looked at bogum who was stretching his fingers.

did we really drive that long?

why the heck did they even pick this far ass beach?

i stepped outside and straighten my dress, looking around, admiring the nature's beauty.

i looked at bogum who was wearing buttons up and he smiled at me, "let's go? the event might be starting soon."

i nodded and grabbed his hands.

『 truth or die + kth 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now