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"go pack your clothes." taehyung ordered me after putting his dog on it's cage.

i really want to pet it but i know taehyung won't even let me touch it. i remember him saying back then that i can't go to this certain door but i discovered it was his dog's bedroom door.

but i know his dog don't live often here because taehyung is always busy.

"what? where are we going? why?" i asked, following him to his room.

"don't ask too many questions, just pack." he groaned and slammed his door.

i cursed at him and rolled my eyes. how disgusting can his attitude be?

i did what he say and packed the clothes he bought for me back then. after i was done packing, i went to the living room with my luggage.

i saw him sitting on the sofa and when he saw me, he quickly stood up.

"let's go."

"wait—we're leaving now?"

"isn't obvious?" he scoffed.

"wait, what about your dog?" i asked, worried about leaving his dog alone here.

"the babysitter already picked him up." he said and turned his back on me.

i opened my mouth in awe. seriously? his dog can be his son already.

we went to his car and he immediately drive towards the airport. we waited for out flight and finally, we entered the plane. i don't even know where we're going but i don't want to ask him because i know he'll not answer me properly.

we found our seats and it's easy to find by the help of flight attendant because we're on a vip section.

i leaned my back and felt my eyes being heavy.


(lmaooo skip time bc i honestly have writer's block in this story)

we arrived at this beautiful island and i immediately recognized the scenery.


so we're in hawaii? i didn't noticed earlier at the airport because i was so zoomed out.

hawaii has been my favorite place to visit on and it's actually my goal to celebrate my eighteenth birthday here with my dad. but i know it'll be impossible now.

i smiled when the warm breeze hit my skin. suddenly, my smile faded.

all of my clothes are just simple and no beach suits.

i groaned and saw taehyung pulling a key out of his pocket. he then inserted it on the door and came in first, pulling his baggage behind him. i rolled my eyes because he didn't help me for my baggage.

what a fucking gentleman.

he sat on the sofa while massaging his forehead, must be dizzy because of the jet lag.

"what are we doing here?" i asked, my eyes going around the suite hotel.

it's nice and simple. of course, i expect this to be expensive as hell. this could be a whole ass living room with a spacious corners.

"just," he simply said and moved his body towards the bedroom door, "i'm gonna sleep and you should too."

he turned his back at me and i nodded. this might be the perfect time to escape but to be honest, escaping isn't my prioritize these days that made my self felt weird. i always let chances like this go.

『 truth or die + kth 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now