y/n + answers

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1.) does y/n truly have feelings for tae like if he kidnapped her again, would things go back to how they were the first time?

+ i don't know. i'm confused and i don't think things would be back to normal. everything has been done.

2.) do you still love taehyung?

+ i don't know.

3.) if jimin was there to help you before taehyung do, will you fall in love with him instead of taehyung?

+ perhaps.

4.) choose between tae and kook

+ taehyung is cancelled and jungkook is my friend.

5.) would you still accept taehyung?

+ do y'all know how hurt i am?

6.) are you willing to forgive taehyung? have you actually moved on from him yet?

+ one wife and one girlfriend, left me for two years. i don't know either.

7.) like, can you pls marry kook?

+ uhm, what.

8.) hey dear! what are you going to do now? will you forgive taehyung? or are you already in love with jungoo boy? and about your father, don't fall for his trap! he is a bastard!

+ i don't really know what to do. too much happening and what about my dad? what trap?

9.) do you feel some kind of feelings for jungkook?

+ everything's so confusing right now that i can't even define my own feelings.

10.) can you love jungkook and forget tae?

+ how can i forget him when i always see him everywhere?

11.) how do you feel about choyeon now?

+ she's a brat.

12.) what happened to your mom? also, can you love jungkook and move on. it must be hard but be strong.

+ my dad said she died when she was giving birth to me. what's up with jungkook? we're friends. thankyou.

13.) is it really hard to move on from a guy even after 2 years?

+ move on, yes. but forget? impossible.

14.) jungkook or taehyung?

+ or

15.) girl, you need to go to tae and have a talk to something.

+ i wish it would be that easy.

16.) y/n, can you be patient and let taehyung explain everything then go back together?

+ after everything he did? i've seen and witness enough.

17.) are you gay like me?

+ i can be gay for u.


+ seriously, guys *face palms*

19.) who are your gfs?

+ only u.

20.) can you just love me instead?

+ i mean sure bb uWu

21.) do you like jungkook more or taehyung more?

+ compared to taehyung, since jungkook is my friend, i'll choose him.

22.) would you still love taehyung if his 'plan' works?

+ what plan?

23.) Beat the shit outta choyeon SHE STEALIN YO MANZ! also, let's be friends then i can actually teach you how to be a real bitch😎

+ omG SENPAI TEACH ME *kneeled*


+ i don't have any *cries*

25.) bro who u choosin? jk or tae?

+ check number 21 please *sips tea*

26.) y/n, can you tell me how are you feeling right now? about everything. (i want to protect you and put you on a little pot and give the love you deserve)

+ i am DEVASTATED. that's cute but i'll feel like a plant but thankyou uWU

27.) would you trust taehyung if you know the truth behind all of this?

+ depends.

28.) if you could turn back the time, where within the past three years would you go back to?

+ when i was just living peacefully and alone, better than what's happening today.

29.) stop being oblivious!

+ uhm, sorry what?

30.) how does it feel to be the daughter of your 'dad' lee?

+ he's rarely home so sometimes i forget i actually have a dad.

31.) y/n, i really want you and jungkook together.

+ oof.

32.) do you like jungkook?

+ but he's my friend.

33.) which bts member do you like?

+ i like the members christian chim chim and justin seagull aka juanpito😔✊

34.) how old are you?

+ 20.


oh god, so many questions. if i skipped some questions, maybe bc idk how to answer it or maybe it had been asked.

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