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"your first name?"

i nodded and pursed my lips.

"so what i was saying is, my company—"

"don't you think we need to know each other first before proceeding to our business?" he cut me off and leaned back on the chair.


"this is how i negotiate with my business partners, mister kim." i almost scoffed.

"but that's not how i negotiate." he said and leaned over.

what the heck is he up to? i just want to work peacefully.

is he trying to start something?

"that's not my problem, it's your choice to get out or—"

"oh i see why people call you problematic." he chuckled.

i clenched my fists below the table, i'm so close to punching this business man.

"excuse me—"

i was cut off when he stood up and laughed.

i just lost another partner, nice.

it's his fault anyways.

i bit my lip and tried to calm myself down.

i was waiting for the sound of the closing door but i heard nothing but another chuckle.

"see you at the dinner later."

i stood up, "what dinner?"

"your boyfriend will tell you." he said and left the room.


what boyfriend?

seconds later, bogum entered the room, smiling at me. i smiled back and he sat on the chair.

"get ready for the dinner later, 7 pm with the kim." he said and looked at me.

"what is it for? i'm busy, i can't—"

"it's for the business, don't worry." bogum smiled.

is bogum the boyfriend mister kim talking about?

i sighed and leaned back on the chair then closed my eyes.

suddenly, i heard my stomach grumbling so i groaned and was about to stand up then open my eyes when i felt hands covering it.


well of course it's him, we're the only one in the room.

"close your eyes." he whispered.

"what for?" i groaned.

"just do it." i heard him laughed.

i had no choice and closed it, i felt his hands loosening on my eyes. i heard a few sounds like door closing and opening but i could definitely smell something.

something that's good.

something delicious.

"open your eyes." he whispered.

i slowly opened my eyes to see my desk full of my favourite foods.

chicken, fries, pizza, pasta and many more.

"what's this?" i asked bogum and he was just smiling.

"i know you didn't eat lunch so i bought you these." he smiled.

"but this is too much, i'm sure i won't finish—" i was cut off when he inserted a piece of chicken in my mouth.

i groaned and he laughed.

『 truth or die + kth 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now