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i was sleeping peacefully when i heard a bang on the door. i quickly get up and peeked over the door.

i then realized, taehyung said he would be late today but he didnt say the reason why.

i rubbed my eyes and opened my bedroom door and stepped out to glance downstairs but i was shocked to see taehyung leaning against the door with blood covering his face and suit.

i gasped loudly and i caught his attention until his big eyes looked up the stairs to meet my gaze, his orbs grew even wider.


i was cut off when hands covered my mouth. my breath hitched and looked up to see who it was. 

"shh..." jimin hushed me.

i widened my in surprise to see this man again after what happened at my first week here. 

but i can't seem to focus on jimin when i heard another loud bang on the door, hearing taehyung silently wincing. i glanced down to see blood trickling down his arms.

"open this, kim!" i heard another loud bang that made me flinched inside jimin's embrace.

i was about to look at jimin again when i heard the door breaking down, seeing taehyung winced in pain as he fell down on the marble floor. he hit floor with his arms that made him groaned in pain.

a pang of worry came inside my heart and felt like helping taehyung up. later on, i see dozen of men with guns on their hands. 

all pointing at taehyung.

"give us the daughter."

"do you think i'll give you what's mine?" taehyung chuckled while wiping the blood stains using the back of his hands.

"aren't you gonna, kim? hm?" the man pointed the gun at taehyung and shot his right leg.

taehyung groaned and laid on the floor, guns pointed at him at the same time.

i gasped but jimin managed to pull me inside my bedroom again. jimin quickly leaned me over the wall with a gun on his hands, his grip tightening as we heard more gun shots.

i didn't notice tears were starting to form in my eyes when it dropped on my feet. i quickly wiped my tears and holding back my sobs.

why am i crying?

the image of taehyung looking so weak earlier was unbearable. that wasn't the taehyung i know, i am not used seeing his body covered by his own blood, i am not used to him getting harmed by others.

"w-what's happening?" i asked jimin and he quickly glanced down at me.

"just business, don't worry. we'll get over this." he smiled a little, putting his gun up.

"what about taehyung? they literally pointed guns over him and he got his leg shot—"

"he'll be okay," he said.


"have you forgotten, he's kim taehyung?" he said and gave me smirk.

yes, he may be kim taehyung.

but isn't kim taehyung human too? he might die anytime right now if he lose more blood. i'm sure the men earlier wouldn't let him go without shooting him multiple times.

unless, they get me.

the daughter? i'm well assure that everybody want me now since they found out that dad have a daughter. 

『 truth or die + kth 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now