In Which A Field Trip Reveals Peter Parker's Secrets: Part 1

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The clock ticked as Peter stared down at his assignment. He had been in this position for what felt like hours but in reality was only minutes. He'd nearly dozed off several times during class today, you see Peter had been out Spider-manning all night and only got 40 minutes of sleep.


Finally, Peter thought. All the students hurried around to collect their belongings and race out the door. "Class!" Mr. Warren yelled over the chatter of his students. "I have big news. We landed ourselves a field trip at Avengers Tower!"

The class exploded in joy, all except Peter. His spidey senses tingled and he felt a spitball hit the back of his head. Turning around he saw Flash snickering. "Penis Parker! Guess were gonna find out how real this 'internship'," He did the bunny fingers. "Actually is."

Peter groaned for what felt like the tenth time today and slammed his head down on his desk. In the distance he could hear Mr. Warren saying to collect permission slips from his desk.


Arriving home that night, Peter knew it was gonna be chaotic. How the hell do you hide a permission slip from the Avengers? Better yet, how the hell do you hide a permission slip for a field trip to your own house from the Avengers and avoid them at all costs on the day of the trip?

Peter ended up shoving the slip underneath all his homework and then went down to the dinning room for Dinner. Steve and Bucky had made burgers.

Dinner continued on nicely and Peter believed that he had avoided the talk of the field trip. 'Now', he thought, 'I only have to make up an excuse on why I can't go to school tomorrow or maybe I could-' Natasha had cleared her throat.

"So Peter, when were you going to tell as about the field trip you have coming up tomorrow?" She held the slip between her fingers. Was it possible for Peter to merge and become one with his seat?

"Wait," Tony spoke up. "Field trip? Where? Underoos why didn't you tell us sooner?" Nat passed him the paper.

"Believe it or not, our mini Stark is coming to the Avengers tower for the trip." Tony had signed the slip and he passed it back to Peter.

"Dad, guys, please don't embarrass me tomorrow!" Peter exclaimed. "We would never do that to you, Pete!" His voice was laced with sarcasm.

Hope you enjoyed! I publish the next part soon. -J

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