In Which Peter Comes Out

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Peter remembers the night he came out as bisexual to May. He had tears streaming down his face and his heart was pounding out of his chest. He poured his heart out to her about all these feelings he has and how he was so scared to come out to her. He believed that she wouldn't accept him. May, however, repeatedly told Peter that she still loves him and that she accepts him however he may be. 

That night they ended up eating ice-cream out of the tub and crying to romance movies. It ended up being one of Peter's favourite memories; just to know he has May even if no one else accepts him.

The next people he had told were Ned and MJ. Peter was certain that they would accept him but there is always this lingering feeling that never goes away. What if they don't? What if they say they do but end up laughing about me behind my back? Peter had to shake his head and clear his thoughts. 

When he finally got around to telling them he was once again a nervous wreck on the verge of tears. They were chilling at Ned's house working on a group project. He was so scared he just blurted it out at random. 

"Guys, I'm bisexual." They stopped what they were doing and looked at him. They smiled and told Peter it was fine and it changed nothing. Then everyone continued on with the project as if nothing had happened.

When Peter came out to the Avengers it was a complete accident. They were all gathered around in the living room watching a movie and eating popcorn. Peter was in his own little world on his phone. Ned had accidentally said a little too loud about Peter being bisexual during school and Flash had heard. Now it was all through the Decathlon group chat and Flash kept on teasing him about being gay.

Peter was getting really frustrated and the Avengers had noticed because they began to watch Peter instead of the movie. In a fit, Peter yelled out: "Goddamnit Flash! I'm bi, not gay!". He then remembered that he was surrounded by people and shyly looked up. They all shrugged their shoulders at him and mumbled that it was fine and that they still loved him.

Peter went to bed that night feeling on cloud nine. He was amazing to have everyone know about him. He doesn't have to hide it anymore.


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