Fillie: Angels Fall

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Song: Angels Fall by Breaking Benjamin

Ship: Fillie


Finn's point of view

I look over at her, tears streaming down her perfect face. Her eyes are red and bloodshot, the area around them swollen. Her usually rosy cheeks are blotchy and the shadows under her eyes are deep and hollow.

"Finn. I'm-I'm so-so sorry," she gasps in between words. She seems to be choking on her sobs. I grab her hand gently, rubbing my thumb over her palm.

"Mills. It's okay," I smile lightly.

Her eyes move around my face, trying to read any secrets hidden in those three words, "No, it's-it's not-okay," she sobs.

I reach towards her face and I push a piece of hair behind her ear, "Millie, I understand. I know you're sorry. We've both made mistakes in this relationship."

"Finnie, I chea-cheated on you. You said you would ne-never go back with...with a cheater," she lets more water run from her sad eyes.

I shake my head slowly, "I know that's what I said. But I can't leave. I can't say goodbye."

"You should. Why don't you hate me? Finn, I need you to get angry or something. Please hate me. Please," she pleads, grasping my hand tighter.

I chuckle slightly, "Mills, I'm in love with you. How could I hate you? I don't hate you. I hate him. And I know the only reason you got with Jacob was because I was with Iris all the time," I look at her, seeing her expression fall.

She puts her palms to her forehead, letting go of my hands, "I'm such an idiot. I thought I could make you jealous. I thought you had fallen for her," she looks at me sheepishly.

"Iris and I are just friends. And you're not an idiot. You know how much I tried to make you jealous before we were officially dating?"

"Finn, this isn't a joke. Please. I shouldn't have gotten with Jacob. I shouldn't have fallen for him, knowing that I would only ever love you. It wasn't love, I promise. I only fell in love with the idea," she looks at me, her face more dry now.

"And I already told you. It's okay. And it wasn't really cheating. We were kinda having a fight."

"It was cheating. And I'm sorry again. I knew I hurt you. I knew what I was doing. I was talking to Jacob and when you said you didn't like it, I went and started dating him," Millie sighs, rubbing her eyes.

I cup her face in my hands, "You were going through a lot. Charlie in the hospital took a toll on you. You were only an angel with broken wings Mills. You just needed someone to fix them."

"And I thought it was Jacob who could fix me. When all along, it was you. It was always you," she pauses, "Did you call me angel?" she smiles slightly, her cheeks turning a rosy pink blush.

I move closer, "Yes I did. You're my angel and I'll carry you until we can fix your wings."

"Poetic," she smirks.

"You think so?" I raise my eyebrows, "I was thinking about writing a poe-"

She interrupts me mid-sentence by pressing her lips against mine. I lean into it, glad to feel her touch again.  Our mouths move together as she leans, moving slightly on top of me. Her hand rests on my chest, my hands still cupping her delicate face. I kiss her again, not wanting the feeling to ever go away. She is an angel and I'm in heaven. We part, leaving a sad remembrance of the moment in the air.

"I love you. I have never loved anybody else," Millie looks at me, into my eyes.

"I love you, and you are the only one I will ever love Mills," I say quietly, her eyes glittering as the words reach her ears.

Millie pecks my lips quickly and stands, reaching out her hand to me, "Come on."

I laugh, "What are we doing?"

"We're going out."

I frown, "Out where?"

"On a date."

I smirk slyly at her, "Are you asking me on a date Miss Brown?"

"I think I am Mr. Wolfhard," she smiles, her head tilted slightly.

I let her pull me up off the couch and she leads the way out the door, still clutching my hand.

I exit my house and we walk hand in hand down the street. Our arms swing back and forth, letting the cool October air move our long sleeves.
This one is shorter than my normal one shots but the song I chose literally had nothing to work with. It's still a very emotional song and I love it so much. I'm not sure if I like this one shot. I actually think it kinda sucks. Idrk. Request one shots in the comments. I will literally write anything as long as I know the context of the ship.

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