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"How did you know that Hermione?" Harry asked after the game.

Hermione shrugged. "Lucky guess I suppose."

Fred shook his head. "I guess we'll have to do our own laundry, Georgie."

Back at the tent, the boys were up to their usual antics, dancing around, singing, and talking about Krum. Hermione smiled and closed her book, turning to Fred.

"Fred?" She called. He was too busy yelling. No answer. She tapped him on the shoulder. "Fred!"

Fred turned. "Yes, master?" Fred tried to sound annoyed, but she thought for sure she saw the ghost of a smile on his lips.

"I'm so thirsty!" Hermione said. Fred rolled his eyes and walked over to the snack stash in the corner of the tent, bringing her back a bottled butter beer and returning to the boys. She smiled as she opened the bottle. This would be fun. And she couldn't help but notice Fred glancing at her throughout the night, quickly turning away when he saw her taking notice.

"What was that?" Ron shouted later as they all heard a loud crash from outside the tent.

Hermione, knowing what was coming, almost instinctively rushed to Fred's side as they all ran outside to get a better look. When they got outside and saw the chaos around them, Fred grabbed Hermione's hand and drug her away.

"What are you doing?" Hermione whispered as Fred pulled her behind another tent.

"I'm protecting you! Isn't that my job as your servant?" He smiled.

"But... I didn't ask you to protect me." Hermione whispered. She was surprised, but she had to admit she wasn't upset about it. She became infinitely happier when she heard him whisper "I know. This I'm doing because I want to."

Fred never left her side as they raced through the chaos, avoiding curses cast by death eaters and looking for the rest of the group. When everything finally died down and they found Mr. Weasley, Hermione noticed that this entire time, Fred had not let go of her hand. It had just become so natural, so safe, she had actually forgotten he had it. As they approached his father, Fred dropped her hand quickly. That she did notice. She also couldn't help but notice the looks Fred gave her on the long walk back to the port key, the glances he continued to shoot down to her hand, and how empty her palm felt without his inside it.

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