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"Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave , because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory."

Dumbledore finished his speech and walked out, without so much as another word. Everyone else in the room merely raised their wands, lighted up to the sky. As a tear rolled down hermione's face, she promised herself that she would not do this again. No more wand salutes. Not for Dumbledore, not for Lupin or Tonks or Dobby, and certainly not for the handsome boy who's hand was holding tightly to hers. Surely not for Fred.

The next day, as everyone boarded the train, Fred pulled Hermione aside. "You're going to sit with me, right?"

Hermione nodded. "Of course!"

Fred nodded. "Good. And listen, I owled mum and told her about us."

"You did?" Hermione was a little shocked. She had assumed they would tell Molly together, though she guessed it was easier coming from Fred.

"Does she hate it?" Hermione asked quietly.

Fred laughed. "Of course not! She was thrilled! She even offered to let you stay the whole summer. She says she knows you probably need to go and see your family, but she said you can stay for the whole summer, or at least as much of it as you'd like." He said excitedly. "She just said, no 'funny business'." He added with a wink.

"Fred, that sounds amazing! Are you sure they would be ok with me staying? For the whole summer?" Hermione asked, wide eyed. She was both surprised and not at all surprised by the Weasley's generosity, but more than anything, she couldn't believe her good luck. If she could just find a way to convince Fred that she didn't need to go see her parents, she would have an easy place to stay for the entire summer.

Fred smiled. "They would love to have you, I know they would. But 'Mione, don't you need to go see your parents?"

Hermione shook her head quickly. "Oh they won't mind. I'll owl them and tell them I'm staying with you."

Fred nodded and took her hand as they boarded the train.

Fred and Hermione managed to get a train car all to themselves, and after a few games of exploding snap and several chocolate frogs, Fred looked up at Hermione. "You lied to me earlier."

"What?" Hermione said, startled.

"There's no way your parents wouldn't think twice about not seeing you over the summer. 'Mione, what's going on? Is everything ok with them? You're not in trouble are you?"

She nodded. "I... um.... Fred, I don't want to lie to you."

He took her hand and looked into her eyes. "Then don't. Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do!" She answered, quickly, but sincerely.

"Then tell me. I can keep a secret. I can help." Fred assured her.

Hermione nodded and pulled him up off the floor and onto the bench before beginning her story.

****Y'all are getting a lot tonight! There should be another chapter up before the end of the night.

I just wanted to put a quick disclaimer/author's note here to let you know that the quote from Dumbledore at the beginning of this chapter is not mine. I figured I couldn't say it any better than JK Rowling, so that quote is copied straight from The Goblet of Fire. Credit where credit is due! Anyway, thanks and keep reading!

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