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On the one hand, it felt sort of strange, walking through Hogsmeade, hand in hand with Fred Weasley. But on the other, it was the most natural thing in the world.

Everyone was staring, and for the first time in her life, Hermione didn't care. Let them stare. Let them all know that she, Hermione Granger, was dating Fred Weasley.

As the year was drawing to a close, Hermione had a lot on her mind. The first death, Cedric, was supposed to happen in just a few days, and she still had to figure out how she was to explain to everyone why she wasn't going to stay with her parents for the summer. But for the moment, all she could think of was Fred, his hand in hers as they walked through the crowded streets.

"What are you thinking about?" Fred asked her, noticing that she hadn't spoken in a while.

"You." She answered, looking up at him brightly.

"Yeah? And what are thinking about me?" He prodded.

"I'm thinking that every girl here wishes they were me." She smiled.

Fred grinned. She did know how to make him feel special. "Well that's certainly true. I should tell you, Granger, there was a line of girls about as long as the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall who were just begging to be my girlfriend."

Hermione smiled, playing along. " Oh really? And how did I manage to skip that whole line?"

He stopped walking and put his hands on her shoulders. "There could have been a line stretching across all of England and there would not have been a single girl in it that could hold a candle to you. You skipped the line because you were the only girl I ever really wanted."

They kept walking and Hermione threaded her arm through his, holding his arm tightly to her side.

"Let's play a game." She suggested.

Fred looked intrigued. He liked games. "What kind of game?"

"20 questions." Hermione suggested. Fred looked confused.

"Sorry."She said. "Maybe that's just a muggle thing."

"No it's ok!" Fred said, looking excited. "We can go get a drink at the Three Broomsticks and you can tell me all about this 50 questions."

"20!" Hermione corrected as he drug her by the arm through the door of the Three Broomsticks.

Hermione went to get a table while Fred got the drinks. A minute later, he returned with two huge mugs of butterbeer and set one down in front of her. "Thank you!" Hermione said gratefully.

Fred nodded. "So tell me all about this 80 questions thing."

"Now you're just mocking me!" Hermione laughed, crossing her arms, faking an indignant smile.

"A bit. But I do want to play!" Fred insisted.

"Fine. Basically we just ask each other questions to get to know each other better. Anything you want to know."

Fred smiled as he rested his elbows on the table. "That's great, actually. Cause I've been dying to know what's going on in that beautiful head of yours."

Hermione smiled as she took a drink. There was not, nor would there ever be, a man as charming as Fred Weasley.

"You first." Fred said.

Hermione thought for a minute. "What's your favorite color?"

Fred threw his head back and laughed. "You can ask me anything in the world and you asked me what my favorite color is?"

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