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The Weasley kids (plus Hermione and Harry) all rushed through the barrier at platform 9 3/4 and Fred grabbed Hermione's arm just as they both made it through the wall.

"You know, I think I've had the easiest servant job in the history of the world. You didn't really ask me to do anything." He said.

Hermione smiled. She's actually forgotten about the bet for the last few days. Fred hadn't exactly refused anything she'd asked even without his contractual obligation, still more evidence that their relationship was progressing nicely.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Do I have time for one more request?" Hermione smiled.

Fred nodded. "Technically we're not on the train yet. What can I do for you, master?" He asked with a small bow and a smirk.

Hermione looked around. Harry and Ron had already made their way on the train, barely even noticing that she wasn't following them like always.

"Sit with me on the train? Just you and me. We'll have hours to talk and we'll kick this new friendship off the right way."

Fred smiled. "That I'll do just because I want to!" He offered her his arm and the two headed onto the train.

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