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For the next few days, Hermione was miserable. Fred wouldn't even look in her direction, let alone talk to her. Hermione didn't know what to do. Soon, she would be expected to start work on saving those who were going to die soon, but all she could think about was Fred.

She sat in the common room one night, when she saw a red headed boy coming down the stairs. She thought it might be Fred, but instead, Ron came quietly down the stairs and sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry for the things I said at the ball. I guess I was just being protective. Fred's a great guy, but he can be a bit of an idiot sometimes and I didn't want you to get hurt. I guess the ironic part about that is that I became the idiot and I ended up being the one who hurt you and I'm sorry." Ron blurted all this out rather quickly and without looking at her, but once he was done he looked up at her and smiled and she could tell he was sincere.

"I was going to ask you myself, just as friends, you know, but I actually thought Viktor was going to ask you and I got a bit scared. Then I saw you walk in with Fred instead and I just freaked out a little. I really am sorry."

Hermione smiled back at him. She was glad to have Ron back at least. "Thank you. I forgive you."

Ron stayed silent for a bit and then spoke again. "Whatever happened between you and my brother anyway? I noticed you're not really talking any more."

Hermione laughed. "Yeah, no. We're not really. You know how you thought Viktor was going to ask me? Well apparently so did Fred and I assured him that I didn't like Viktor in that way, but when I got picked to be the person that Viktor had to save in the task, I guess Fred assumed that it was because we were together or we liked each other or something."

Ron laughed. "That's crazy! What, like McGonnagal has some kind of all-knowing power to tell how two people feel about each other? You got picked because everyone can tell that Viktor fancies you. They knew he would want to save you! It has nothing to do with how you feel about him."

"That's what I said!" Hermione answered, turning to face him.

Ron turned too and looked her straight in the eye. "Listen, Hermione. Fred may seem like he's all jokes, but he's one of the most caring guys I know. Probably the most out of all my brothers. And that just means he gets hurt easily. He'll come around. I know he's not talking to you right now, but give him a few more days and he will. And when he does, if you make it clear to him that you're not thinking of anything else, he'll fall at your feet and he'll be the most loyal guy you could ever have. He just needs a little time to cool off."

Hermione smiled as Ron got up to go. "Thanks, Ron. I was right. You are a great best friend."

Ron laughed. "Well, you usually are right."

He turned to go and then turned back one last time at the bottom of the stairs. "By the way, any fool can see how crazy my brother is about you. He'll come around. And if he takes a second and looks, he'll see how crazy you are about him too. It's not easy to miss. I know I was a little weird about it at first, but I just want you both to be happy."

"Thank you, Ron." Hermione smiled.

"He makes you happy, doesn't he?"

"Yes. Very happy."

Ron nodded and headed up the stairs. Faintly, she heard him call "Goodnight, Hermione." from the top.

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