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There was something so casual about being with Fred. She felt like she could tell him anything. And that week, she was pretty sure she did.

They were walking through the streets of Paris, arm in arm when Fred finally asked the question she was surprised she hadn't heard already.

"What really happened with you and my brother?" He asked. "It really seemed like you liked him before. And I know he likes you."

"How do you know that?" Hermione laughed.

"Because why wouldn't he?" Fred smiled, kissing her on the cheek. Hermione blushed a little as Fred finished. "Besides, I can tell by the way he looks at you. It's the same way I look at you."

Hermione smiled. She couldn't believe how easily she had discounted him before- he really was quite perceptive. "During the battle that I told you about, he kissed me. I was thrilled about it at first. I had spent so long thinking that it's what I wanted, but when I had a second to breathe, I thought about it and I realized how wrong it all felt. There was just something sort of weird about it. I mean, Ron and I practically grew up together. I know him so well. I know all of his quirks, everything that annoys me about him. In a way, I guess that's good. We could never surprise each other. I know what a life with Ron would be like. But there's something to be said for uncertainty, I guess. Somehow, I just knew that it wasn't what I wanted."

Fred smiled as he took her hand. "Well, I want to know everything about you. I hope that doesn't take the excitement out of it."

Hermione laughed. "Life could never be anything but exciting when you're around."

"Let's go in here" Fred said, pulling her aside into a dingy looking bronze statue.

"Where are we going?" Hermione asked. Fred smiled as he tapped the statue with his wand.

"Welcome to Place Cachée!" Fred gestured. "It's like the French Diagon Alley."

"Cool!" Hermione answered, looking around at all the shops, which seemed to be even older than many of their British counterparts.

Gaston McAaron was the quidditch store there, and of course Fred insisted they go in and check it out. Even Hermione had to admit it was pretty cool. Everything seemed so nice, probably just because it was foreign, but it was nice nonetheless.

"Harry would love this!" Hermione said, picking up a broom care set, specially made for Firebolts. It came with wood polish for the handle, silver polish for the accents, gold plated shears for trimming the bristles, special rags, and a bag that could have his name written on it in fancy gold letters.

"Get it for his birthday! It's fancy and French. He'll love it!"  Fred suggested.

"But how will I explain where I got it from? We're supposed to be back in England with my parents?" Hermione asked.

Fred shrugged. "Who's to say we didn't take a trip to France with your parents?"

"I guess it would be nice to make the lie as small as possible." Hermione agreed. "Ok, I think I'm going to get it."

Fred nodded. "I'm going to go grab something across the street while you get his name on it. I'll be right back." He kisses her forehead gently and smiled as he walked out the door.

Hermione went up to the counter and placed 5 galleons and few loose knuts on top. The man passed her a form to fill out and she scrawled "Harry Potter" in the engraving section.

Just as the man was finishing up the spell, Fred  came back into the shop with two butterbeers.

"Thanks!" Hermione said as she popped the cap off and took a drink. The man wrapped up Harry's present and put it in a bag, nodding his thanks and putting away the coins.

"We should go back to the hotel and get our bags. Mum is expecting us back at the Burrow in a few hours. We've got to go to Diagon Alley for school supplies tomorrow!"

"I can't believe the school year is starting already! And I can't believe the summer is over!" Hermione pulled Fred off onto a small side road and kissed him. "This has been the most wonderful summer of my life, Fred. Really. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have you here with me."

Fred smiled. "I'm sure you would have done just fine!" He said as he ran his fingers gently through his hair, trying to be modest.

"No really!" Hermione said as they started walking again, toward the hotel. "I wouldn't have had any place to go, no company, and I probably would have been scared out of my mind. I'm so happy I have you to help me this year!"

"I'll do anything for you, 'Mione." Fred promised. "Whatever you need, I'm here."

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