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The next few days, Hermione was rather occupied taking care of Harry and helping him with the second task. Much to her dismay, she didn't see much of Fred in the coming days, but she smiled every time she saw him eyeing her from the other side of the common room. Once she was finally confident that Harry was in good hands with some advice from Neville, she found some time to head over to the library.

She found a book, more for pleasure than actual studying, and sat down at a table. But her favorite activity was soon interrupted by the boy who was quickly becoming her favorite person.

"I knew I'd find you here." Fred said as he took a seat next to her and casually draped his arm over the back of her chair.

She closed the book and stared up at him, unable to keep the smile from spreading widely across her lips. "Hi."

Fred laughed loudly and then smiled down at her, genuinely and sweetly. "Hi."

She rested her head gently on his shoulder and allowed him to bring his arm from the chair up to her shoulders. "I don't think I ever told you what a great time I had the other night. Thank you for that. And for comforting me when Ron was being...well, Ron."

He smiled. "You're welcome. I'm always here for you, 'Mione."

She looked up at him and found her instincts taking over. Without really knowing what she was doing, she stretched her neck up and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Fred looked surprised at first, but that quickly faded to his characteristic smirk as he whispered "You missed."

Slowly, he brought his arm out from behind her neck and placed both hands on the sides of her face as he gently pulled her toward him. He stopped when she was nearly there and allowed her to move her lips the last few inches to his.

The kiss was soft and sweet at first, but he pulled away for a second, looking into her eyes, and then started again, this time harder and more urgently. He let his hands slide back into her hair as he pulled her closer to him.

Finally, he let her go and smiled. "I've wanted to do that for a long time." He whispered.

She smiled and nodded. "Me too."

Fred leaned down and rested his elbows on the table, nervously wringing his hands. "Can I ask you something?" He said, barely looking up.

Hermione was about to respond, but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a dark figure leaning against a book shelf, watching them. She didn't know how long he had been there or how much he had seen, but now that she had noticed him, she couldn't ignore it. She elbowed Fred. She was sure he was about to make some snarky comment about her ruining the moment, but he couldn't say much of anything when she pointed up at Professor Snape looking down on them.

"I knew I'd find you here Mrs. Granger" he hissed. "but I assumed you'd be alone." He shot a disdainful glance over at Fred. "I hate to interrupt this heartwarming little moment, but Professor McGonnagal would like to see you. Now."

He turned on his heel and disappeared again behind a bookcase.

"Professor Severus Snape, ladies and gentlemen. Professional mood killer." Fred said as he threw his head back and laughed.

"What were you going to ask me?" Hermione prodded.

Fred shook his head. "Forget it. I'll see you in the morning for the second task. We'll talk about it then. I promise. Go see McGonnagal."

Hermione nodded and turned to pick up her things, but she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, she turned and before she could process it, Fred had captured her lips in one more quick kiss.

"I just can't get enough of that!" He smiled.


Hermione woke up in the black lake, being pulled out by a boy with a shark head. Viktor. Why had she still been picked to be the person Viktor saved? Confused, she climbed out of the water and wrapped a towel around her shoulders, frantically looking for Fred. She finally found him, pushing rather hurriedly out of the stands and back toward the castle.

"Fred!" She yelled as she ran after him. He didn't turn. "Fred!" She called again, desperately wanting him to turn around. She knew how this must look to him, and she wanted nothing more than to explain to him that it was not at all her doing that she was chosen for this. But to do that, he had to actually acknowledge that she was yelling at him. "Fred!"

She finally caught up to him and jumped in front of him. "Didn't you hear me yelling at you?"

Fred nodded, refusing to look at her. "I heard you."

"Then why didn't you turn around?"

He shrugged. "I didn't have anything to say."

"Fred! Come on, look at me. This isn't what it looks like."

"Oh, really?" He said, finally daring to look up at her. "Because from where I'm standing, it's pretty hard to avoid the conclusion that you lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you, Fred!" She insisted.

"You told me that there was nothing going on with you and Viktor." He reminded her, clearly hurt, trying to hold back tears.

"There isn't!"

"Then why did they drag you down there? 'Mione, I've been worried sick about you all morning. I've been running around like a crazy person looking for you, and then I see you pop out of the water with him."

"I'm sorry! It wasn't my choice! I didn't even know what was happening! McGonnagal called me into her office saying something about the task! She told me what it was for, but I assumed it was Harry who was supposed to save me!"

This was true. She was actually shocked that she had been called in to participate in the task this time, but since she'd had very little interaction with Viktor lately, she assumed she had been chosen for Harry instead of Ron.

"Well obviously it wasn't Harry, it was Viktor. And now, I just..." He stopped and shook his head. "I just feel like such an idiot, Hermione. I thought... but I was wrong. And I'm sorry I wasted your time."

He turned and walked away and Hermione tried to stop him, but he waved her off and headed back into the castle. All Hermione could do was sit down in the grass and cry.

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