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Hermione knew McGonagall had told her not to tell anyone. And she wouldn't have. But this is Fred. He wouldn't tell anyone, and if she's going to get as close to him as she hoped she would, it would be hard to keep the secret. Plus, it would be nice if someone knew. It was so lonely this last year, being the only one who knew, and it couldn't hurt to have help, right?

"What I'm about to tell you does not leave this car, promise?" Hermione said.

"I promise!" Fred assured her.

"Ok, so I'm going to tell you why I can't go see my parents, but it's a very long story and it's not going to be at all what you expect, so I need you to listen and be open and remember that the only reason I didn't tell you was because I promised I wouldn't tell anyone at all."

"I promise! 'Mione, what is it?"

Slowly, she reached into her shirt and pulled out the time turner. "Do you know what this is?"

Fred's eyes widened. "Hermione, that's a time turner! Where did you get one?"

"From McGonagall. Three years from now."

"Three years from... what?" Fred stammered.

"Three years from now, there's going to be a war. A war between us and Voldemort. In that war, people die. Dozens of people die. McGonagall sent me back to change that. To save people."

Tears started rolling down her face. "But I couldn't save Cedric. I didn't know how. McGonagall told me that certain things couldn't be changed and I think that might be one of them, but Fred, I didn't even try. Not really, anyway. I didn't know where to start. And that's why I'm hoping maybe you can help me." She was crying harder now, and Fred was just sort of staring at her. What if he got mad? What had she done?

But then, slowly, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. " 'Mione, I'm sorry. That must have been so lonely for you! I wouldn't have known what to do either. But we can figure it out together. I promise. I'll help you." He stroked her hair as he held her closer to him. "I'll help you."

"Thank you Fred! Thank you so much!" She whispered. The crying has lessened now. Fred was going to help her. Everything would be ok.

"So what does that have to do with your parents?" He asked, letting go as she sat up.

"I had to wipe their memories, my parents and 14 year old me, and I sent them away to Australia and made them forget I was a witch." She said, wiping her tears.

"I guess that makes sense." He nodded. "It would be awfully hard to explain to them why there were two of you all of a sudden."

"So now you know." She sighed.

"Now I know. Why you were so worried at the last task, why you didn't seem all that surprised that Cedric had died. And you knew! You knew about the World Cup!" He laughed, punching her lightly in the arm.

"Yeah, sorry about that!" She laughed. Fred shrugged it off. "At least I didn't bet you any money. And I guess it did bring us together!"

Hermione smiled. She hadn't thought of it that way. It had definitely brought them closer.

He smiled and leaned in, kissing her gently on the mouth. "We'll figure this out together."

She nodded and leaned back into his arms as Fred leaned against the wall of the train car.

"What if we tell my parents that we're both going to visit your parents? I'll be of age by the end of the summer. We can tell mum and dad that I'm going to apparate us over so I can meet your parents. That way, they won't think you're spending the whole summer apart from them and you and I can spend a little time alone!"

"Fred, that's a great idea!" She said, as she leaned up and kissed him.

"Great! And you can tell me all about how much more amazing I am in the future." He grinned.

Hermione suddenly stopped smiling and turned her head to face the door again.

She wouldn't tell him, she determined. Not yet, at least. They had time. She would tell him, but only at the very last minute.

"So did you and I ever get together before?" Fred asked casually.

Hermione shook her head. "I was so convinced that I liked Ron, I never really paid attention. But just before I came back, George told me that you liked me. When I came back here, I started noticing the signs and I realized that I liked you too. I guess I was giving off some hints that I didn't give off last time, and you picked up on them apparently, so now here we are!" Again, not a lie, she told herself.

"I can't believe George gave away my secret! I'm so mad at future George!" Fred laughed. But then he smiled. "But I guess I also have future George to thank for this." He pressed his forehead to hers and smiled.

"Maybe future George knew what he was doing after all."

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