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The year progressed relatively uneventfully. The first task was a success, although she had to admit, she was still a little worried for Harry, despite knowing how it would turn out. Hermione was actually having a little bit of trouble studying as much as she otherwise would, seeing as she had already learned it all, but she loved taking solace in the library even still. Knowing that things were about to get infinitely harder, she loved taking time to relax now that things were a little calmer.

Viktor was becoming increasingly annoying, even more so than the last time. He never really seemed to say much of anything, save a few unwanted rants about the ins and outs of Quidditch. Hermione tried to be nice (international magical cooperation and all that), but he was really beginning to tax her patience.

One afternoon, he was being hovering a bit too closely for Hermione's taste and she was looking for any excuse to leave, when she saw Fred peering from behind a book shelf. He quickly retreated and she could hear him running away. Was he jealous? She smiled as she quickly packed up her things and mumbled an apology to Viktor.

"Fred, wait!" She called after him.
He turned. "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your time with the legendary Viktor Krum." He said, rolling his eyes.

Hermione laughed. "Believe me. You were saving me. Legendary though he may be, he's also a bit annoying. He follows me around everywhere and only wants to watch me study. It's a bit annoying actually."

Fred smiled, clearly happy at her response.

"What's that behind your back?" She asked, reaching for his hand, but he backed away quickly.

"Nothing." He blurted our with a mischievous smirk.

"If it's nothing, then why can't I see it?" She asked, diving again for the hand that he was holding behind his back.

He smiled, finally relenting and pulling his hand from behind him. Clutched in his fist was a single rose. Embarrassed, he handed it to her. " 'Mione, will you go to the ball with me?"

He ran his fingers through his hair while he waited for a response. A huge grin spread across Hermione's face as she threw her arms around Fred.

He hugged her tightly and lifted her up off the floor. As he put her down and let go, he looked her straight in the eye and asked nervously, "That was a yes, right?"

All Hermione could do was nod as she held the flower up to her nose and smiled back up at him.

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