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Hermione had been trying to stay away from Viktor ever since the incident at the lake, but late one night he found her in the library and sat down beside her.

"I know you don't like me the way I like you. You like that tall red head boy, don't you?"

All Hermione could do was nod.

"Did I mess things up for you?"

Hermione shook her head. "No, you didn't. The stupid task did. Fred thought that because I was chosen to be the one that you had to rescue, that meant that I liked you too. I had told him that I didn't, so now he thinks I've lied to him."

"Ok. Well, I will stay away. I don't want to mess things up with you and your boyfriend." Viktor said as he got up to leave.

"He's not my boyfriend." Hermione said as a tear escaped her eye. "I wanted him to be, but I don't think he wants to anymore."

"He does. He will understand soon." He assured her.

"You're a good guy, Viktor. I'm sorry things worked out the way they did." Hermione called after him.

He nodded and then walked away.

Hermione returned to her book, but was interrupted by a small voice. "Did you mean all that?"

She looked up to see Fred peeking out from behind the bookcase.

Hermione nodded eagerly. "Every word! Did you hear it?"

Fred nodded sheepishly as ran his fingers through his hair. "Viktor came to me and said that I was being stupid. I guess he heard somehow that I had sort of gotten mad at you for what happened at the lake. He said he could tell that you liked me and not him. When I didn't believe him, he invented this whole thing about me hiding behind this book shelf while he made you admit you're feelings for me."

Hermione laughed. "He's smarter than I thought he was!" She said under her breath.

He finally came and sat down next to her. "I'm such an idiot, 'Mione. I'm sorry. I guess I still just didn't believe that you could really like me! I mean we're so different!"

Hermione laughed. "Yeah, and I have so much in common with Viktor Krum!"

"I know! I'm sorry! I was an idiot. Forgive me?"
Fred smiled shyly.

"I'll forgive you on one condition." Hermione smirked.


"Tell me what you were going to ask me before Severus Snape, professional mood killer interrupted us."

Fred grinned. "I was... um... I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend."

"I knew it!" Hermione smiled.

"So, uh, will you? Will you be my girlfriend, Hermione Granger? I promise not to get all jealous on you anymore!"

In response, Hermione reached up and out her fingers in his hair, pulling his head toward hers and placing her lips firmly on his. After a minute, he pulled away. "Yes or no?" She rolled her eyes and one more time, she kissed him, softer and more reassuringly this time.

"I'm just going to assume that was a yes." Fred smiled as she pulled away.

"Assume away." Hermione laughed.

"In that case, we need to go on a proper date. Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me on Saturday?" He smiled, more confidently this time.

Hermione smiled. "Of course."

****** Author's note: Hey, y'all! I know this chapter was a bit weird, I'm sorry. Also, I decided to just not worry about writing Viktor's accent in. I'm not so good at that. You know it's there! Anyway, now that Fred and Hermione are officially together, after their date of course, we'll be getting into more of the stuff for why she was sent back in time. Don't worry! There's still plenty more story and plenty more Fremione! Thanks so much for reading. You've already gotten 3 chapters today and you may get more! I'm feeling inspired. Anyway, hope you're enjoying and again, sorry for the super cheesy make up scene!

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