The Dream Chamber(Elsa, Jack, and Hiccup POV)

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Elsa's POV

As soon as me and Jack stepped through the portal, it became extremely hot. I mean like burn your skin off hot. The black sand gloves were gone, so now I could use my ice powers. Jack had a staff in his hands now. Another portal had opened up next to us. A girl walked out of it. Her blond hair was long, but not that long. It only trailed behind her like a foot. Maybe Pitch thought that was super long. She had a frying pan. That must be Rapunzel.

We all sort of nodded to each other. I suppose none of us believed Pitch when he told us some of us were fakes. I mean, come on! How could he make a fake? When I told Jack I though he was a fake, that wasn't entirely true. I was trying to convince myself that he was fake. This dangerous place was nowhere to fall in love.

We were in a volcano I think. I've never actually seen one though. All around us was black rock and pools of slow moving lava. There was a smell of sulfur and brimstone, and a wide river of lava separated our little island of land from the rest of the cavern. Just great. Us ice power people just love lava.

"What now?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. You know Pitch best." I told him. He tapped his foot thoughtfully.

"Pitch lives off of fear. It's what he is, his center."

"His center?" Rapunzel asked.

"Sort of like where he's strongest. Mine is... fun." He admitted. Rapunzel laughed, but I didn't. It made sense. Pitch would want us to be scared. That's what made him strong.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"We need to be completely honest here. What are we afraid of? It doesn't matter if we say it out loud. Pitch already knows." He told us. I searched my mind and tried to figure out what I was afraid of. The first thing was obvious. Hurting someone with my powers. But no way that would happen here.

"Snakes and spiders and creepy crawlies and mother and dying and you guys and you guys being evil." Rapunzel listed.

"Great. I have good news. I'm not any of those things." I grumbled.

"It's a start. We know we can expect snakes, spiders, creepy crawlies, Rapunzel's mother, her dying, and evil us." Jack said. When he put it that way, it made me laugh.

"What are you afraid of Elsa?" Jack asked. I stopped laughing and thought for a moment.

"Hurting someone with my powers, being laughed at or hunted, death by fire." I confessed. Jack nodded.

"We need to be on the lookout for those things as well." He said.

"And what are you afraid of Jack?" Rapunzel asked. Jack went silent.

"Things. Nothing important." He said. That made me curious. What was he afraid of that he didn't want to tell us?

"We told you Jack." I reminded him.

"Fine. I'm afraid of-" He started, then stopped as the ground beneath us shook. The lava started to rise, or our island started to sink. Either way it was bad.

"Do something!" I yelled as the ground we stood on became smaller.

Jack's POV

"Do something!" Elsa yelled. I was panicking. What was I supposed to do? I was out of ideas. I could fly away, but I wouldn't leave the girls! My mind spun.

"Elsa, can you use your powers now?" I asked. She nodded.

"On three, you and I will try to cool the lava over there enough so that we can run across. Ready?" I asked. She nodded again with a determined look on her face.

"You go across first Rapunzel. One... two... three!" I shouted. Elsa shot a stream of ice from her hands at the lava I had indicated, and I did the same from my staff. The lava steadily darkened in color, from a blazing orange to a dark red, and finally to black. Rapunzel ran across.

"Now you Elsa!" I called. She hesitated.

"I'll keep it cold!" I assured her, and she stopped her stream of ice and darted to the other side. I waited a moment, then stopped my stream of cold and ran across. The lava began to turn lighter under my feet and I ran faster. It turned to lava and I jumped into the air and flew towards the girls. I wanted to try to keep that a secret just in case, but too late now.

Elsa looked scared, but relieved. I gave a little wave, then she was knocked backwards by... hair? Rapunzel's hair had suddenly grown in length, and she swung it like a lasso at me. I tried to dodge, but it swapped around me. I couldn't move or fly anymore!

"Like a fly in a spiderweb. Oh Jack, you should know better than to trust people you don't know." Pitch's voice echoed around me. She was a fake! I should have known! I struggled against the hair, but it turned from golden hair to black sand. So did Repunzel. Her skin turned to black sand, and her eyes turned red. She grew fangs as well an her hands and feet turned to claws. Her hair was no longer hair, it was tentacles!

"Now you will pay for your mistakes!" She hissed as the cavern shook around us. Pitch sighed.

"And I though you would last longer." He said sadly. Then the tentacle yanked me forward towards the black swords that she now held. I only had one happy thought as I was about to die. At least Elsa wouldn't see since she was unconscious.

Hiccup's POV

What a messed up day! It started out as a day trip to see Merida, and ended with me locked up by a maniac and now in some sort of volcano! Well I for one wasn't going to trust anyone! A girl was with me to start with. She had long gold hair that was in a very long braid. I turned to her immediately.

"I don't trust anyone here, not even you. Bug off, and don't follow me." I told her. She looked hurt, but didn't argue. At least she was going to cooperate. I turned and ran down one of the long halls. Everything here was made of black stone, and it was hot and smelly. It reminded me of when me, Astrid, and Toothless saw the dragon queen for the first time. Speaking of dragons...

I heard screeching in the distance ahead of me. Dragons. I drew my sword and rushed forward. I entered a room full of dragons. They were everywhere! I spotted at least one of every kind of dragon except a nightfury. Oh how I missed Toothless. The only other exit was on the other side of the room. I walked as quietly and quickly as I could towards it. When I was a quarter of the way through, all of the dragons turned on me. They all began blowing fire, poisonous gas, sparks, boiling water, acid, and shooting sonic waves and spikes in every direction. Shoot.

I ran as fast as I could across the rest of the room, but not fast enough. A Nightmare dropped in front of the door and blew fire everywhere. I slid across the floor and rubbed the spot on their neck that they usually like, but it did nothing. What was wrong with these dragons? It let out a super loud roar and swiped a claw at me. A dodged and taunted it into blowing it's fire. As it did, I counted how many times it did. As soon as it reached where all Nightmares run out of fire, it kept going.

"What is wrong with you dragon?" I yelled, dodging more boiling water and fire. The whole place was full of gas now. Soon the other head of the Zippleback would make us all explode. In a last desperate effort, I pretended I was going to jump over the nightmare and slid under it instead, then took off down the hall. Not a second too soon. The force of the explosion sent me flying down the hall. I scrambled up and noticed I was on a ledge now. I looked down.

Below me were two people and a something. One was a girl with white hair and a blue dress. She looked like she was unconscious. The other was a boy with white hair, a blue hoodie, and a staff. That must be Jack, who Pitch hated so much. And boy was that guy in trouble. A black creature had him trapped over a river of lava and was probably going to kill him.

"And I thought you would last longer." The voice of Pitch said. Then the tentacle-thing that held Jack yanked him forward. I made a split second decision and jumped.

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