Invitation Granted

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Maleficent Bertha Raven was wondering the streets of the Isle of the Lost, with her best friend Jayden. Even though the two had long names, they absolutly hated their parents for naming them. "Your name sounds stupid if you put it together, Maleficent Bertha Raven." Jay said flicking Mal in the head. "So does yours Jayden Al Iago." Mal said. "I swear to Hades, if you don't stop using my full name I'll boot you off this Island to the depths of the catacombs." "That mighta scared me when I was 2 years old." Mal said sticking her tongue out at Jay. "I hate you." "Hate you too!" Mal said, and the two laughed together. The two passed an unoccupied shop, and Mal kicked the tables down and sauntered down the street. She broke a few thousand items, and Jay did similar effects to the other side of the street. The two were laughing as they walked down the street, Jay at a strut, and Mal at a sashay. 

Mal walked into Jay, and knocked him off his game. Mal laughed as he teetered, and then he pushed her back. "You bitch." Mal said. "Takes one to know one Princess." Jay said with a grin. "Fuck off." Mal said and starting sashaying down the dark and damp street again. Jay ran to catch up to her, and the two arrived at Mal's house. Mal busted down the door, and let Jay go inside. Jay went inside, and then Mal picked up the door, and put it back on the hinges. Mal turned on the tv, and plopped down on the dusty couch next to Jay. "What do you wanna watch?" Mal asked picking up the remote. "The Nun." Jay answered. Mal switched the latest horror movie on, and she kicked off her combat boots. Jay threw his boots to the first place he saw, which happened to be the staircase. Mal curled her legs up to her chest, and since there were no windows on the first floor, Jay didn't have a problem, pulling his best friend towards him, and keeping his arms wrapped around her. Mal leaned back into his chest, and the two watched the horror movie together. 

Throughout the movie, they kept laughing at everyone getting jump scared. "I wish I looked as scary as that!" Mal remarked as the Nun came on the screen. "No you don't." Jay said and Mal shrugged. "Would be nice to have that look to make everybody run scared." "You already do that Princess." Jay said flicking her in the neck. "You are a real pain Princey." Mal snickered. "Oh knock it off you two!" Maleficent boomed from the doorway. Mal and Jay looked up to see darkness flooding through the open doorway. Jay stood up from the couch and he tied his boots back onto his feet. "You two need to cool it. I'm hearing people left and right, thinking you two are soft with each other." Maleficent said as Mal put her boots back on. Mal frowned and looked down to tie her boots. "Look, I'm not mad, just keep it in this place, or on top of a building, where no one could possibly find out and kill you." Mal and Jay nodded. 

As Mal and Jay were getting ready to leave, Maleficent called them back. "You've been invited to go to Auradon, along with Carlos and Evie." "What?" Mal exclaimed as she turned around. "Not because we're soft idiot." Jay said elbowing Mal in the ribs. Mal knocked her hip into Jay, and he toppled over. Mal grinned, and Maleficent rolled her eyes. "For school. The Prince of Auradon is going to be coronated soon, and his first official proclamation as King is giving kids from the Isle a chance to live in Auradon. You, Jay, Carlos, and Evie were chosen, because apparently you have the worst parents." "Can't argue with that." Jay joked. Maleficent sighed and looked at her daughter, "Punch him." "My pleasure." Mal grinned at her mom, and punched Jay. Jay didn't even flinch, and Mal kicked him in the shin. "The Limo comes in an hour. If you're late, they'll wait, so stall as much as you can, just to piss them off." Mal and Jay nodded, and ran off into the dark. The limo pulled up to the Isle an hour later, and of course, that sent the limo driver into a fit. He kept ranting into his walkie talkie, which sent the Prince of Auradon into a frenzy. "Wait until they get here. If you don't wait, you're going to be punished." 

Four hours later, Mal and Jay said goodbye to their parents, and Jay pulled Mal aside before they got to the limo. Jay threw a rock at the sign to open their hideout. They ran all the way to the top of their hideout, and watched the door finish closing behind them. The two started putting everything that was special to them in their bags. When Jay finished, he saw Mal standing across the room, looking down into the opened, cracked, window seat. "Going to Auradon is the only chance to find him." Mal said and turned to face Jay. "Take his stuff with us." Jay said and Mal packed all his stuff into her bag. The two said goodbye to the hideout, and then ran all the way to the limo. They kept their backpacks with them, and Carlos and Evie greeted them. "What a great morning!" Mal cheered, and the driver looked back at them. "How is that great?" He asked with an exasperated voice. "Great for our standards. You've never walked a mile in our shoes." Mal told the driver. The driver shut the door, and he started driving down the rough, cracked road. 

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